  • 學位論文


The Exploration of Hakkas's Martial arts in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何永成


「客家地方,男子中,學過武術的,差不多可占百分之七十,即便是念書的儒生,也於晚間兼習武事」。因原鄉地勢使然,山區農墾生活,形勢隱蔽,易成盜藪;習氣勁毅狷介,輕生尚武,練武遂成為客家地方的一種生活習慣與文化。東渡來臺,冒險犯難,更必須團練自衛,此即臺灣客家庄形成「尚武」風氣的背景。 本研究的範圍主要是以新竹芎林及雲林詔安客家地區作為主要研究討論對象。臺灣地區客籍同胞主要分佈地區,即桃竹苗、高高屏及花東地區,其中又以桃竹苗人口數較多,而雲林大西螺地區則是中部地區較為特別的客家人口集中處。至於東南亞檳城的客籍同胞,屬性與來源與臺灣客籍同胞相同,聚居浮羅山區習練客家武術,雖在不同的地理上有不同的發展,但在客家武術的演繹卻帶來文化同質性的認同。 研究方法是以歷史學的研究方法為主,藉由相關史料的蒐集與分析,原鄉地區方志及臺灣地方志及采訪冊等作特定時空資料考證;同時採取田野訪談、調查和觀察。 武術,是一種文化形式。客家武術淵源於客家人的生活方式;由集體成員創造和傳承。面對不同的環境,即有不同的應對,而文化內容與形態亦會有所不同。在邁入二十一世紀的過程中,傳統文化與客家精神逐漸沒落,在研究調查臺灣地區客家武術的狀況與意涵,對照海外客家武術的傳承,其所面對的危機及式微,建議從文化特性、考證研究與整理和新的訓練方式及教育體制的配合著手。


“There are 70% of Hakkas males who learned martial arts; even the scholars obtain training at night.” Due to the rural environment, the aloof agricultural life oftentimes leads to get a den of robbers;habituate to firm and persistent , honest and straightforward ,make light of militarism , martial arts training became a cultural practice in Hakka community. Moreover, having an exceedingly difficult emigration history, Hakka people seek martial arts training as self defense; this eventually shaped their distinctive martial background. The range of this research is mainly about Xin-Zhu‚Xiong-Lin and the Chao-An Hakka in Yun-Lin region. Many Hakka People’s are living in Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli, Kaohsiung-Pingtung and Hualien-Taitung region in Taiwan. Most of the population are in Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli, and Yunlin Huge-Siluo region is the most special Hakkas population space in midland of Taiwan. In the case of Southeast Asia Pulau Pinang’s Hakkas’s people inhabit in Balik Pulau practice Hakkas’s martial art, property and the born are as same as Taiwanese Hakkas’s people. Although each area has different development, talk about Hakkas martial art’s evolution is same in the culture. Study method is mainly by History’s study method. With searching and analyzing related data, original region’s History, Taiwan local records and journalists as special space-time textual research. At the same time, using rural investigation to examine and observe. Maritial art is a form of culture. Hakka martial art formed from their lifestyles, where they reform and delivers to the next generation. The cultural facets and content alters in different environments. Stepping in the 21st century, traditional cultures and Hakka spirits gradually disappear. While investigating the situation of Hakka martial art in Taiwan (comparing to the Hakka martial art overseas), the research should begin from cultural uniqueness and connects to the current educational structure overall.


蔡采秀,〈以順稱義:論客家族群在清代臺灣成為義民的歷史過程〉,《臺灣史研究》第11卷第1期, 臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所籌備處,民國93年6月,頁1-41。



