  • 學位論文


The Research on Job Stress of Government Ethics Officials-A Case Study of Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 黃琛瑜


為瞭解臺北市政府暨所屬各機關政風機構政風人員工作壓力、壓力反應及所採取之因應策略,並依據研究結果提出建議,俾利從事政風工作之同仁參考。本研究採用研究者自編之「臺北市政府政風人員工作壓力問卷」,對服務於臺北市政府暨所屬各機關政風機構政風人員共246人進行普查,就回收有效問卷203份進行統計分析,主要研究結果列述如下: 政風人員工作壓力來源,排序前七名分別為:1.同事之間相處不和諧,而感到氣氛不愉快;2.我覺得政風同仁常為了私利相爭;3.我覺得感情生活因我的工作而受影響;4.我沒有時間照顧家庭生活和子女學業;5.我覺得政風長官對我有嚴苛的要求;6.我覺得我的升遷困難;7.不少政風同仁的工作態度消極,影響我的工作情緒。政風人員前七大工作壓力中「組織氣氛」因素占三項,「家庭與工作的互動」因素占二項,顯示「組織氣氛」及「家庭與工作的互動」是政風人員工作壓力的主因。 政風人員壓力反應,排序前十名分別為:1.反胃、噁心、嘔吐;2.夫妻或家庭衝突;3.血壓升高;4.失眠;5.工作表現日趨低落;6.易被激怒;7.喜歡批評;8.憂(焦)慮;9.腰酸背痛;10.緊張,顯示政風人員之心理及生理等壓力反應均非常明顯。 政風人員採行之因應策略,排序前五名分別為:1.藉由抽煙,以緩和心理的情緒,試著讓自己覺得好過一點;2.藉喝酒來宣洩自己的情緒,讓自己覺得好過一點;3.退縮或封閉自己;4.尋找專業人員(心理專家或輔導諮商人員)的協助;5.從事宗教活動以紓解工作壓力。政風人員採用的因應策略因素層面以「消極逃避」因素三項為最多,其次為「解決問題」因素二項,顯示消極逃避是政風人員較常採用之因應策略。 本研究發現政風人員工作壓力與壓力反應、工作壓力與因應策略及壓力反應與因應策略之間皆有顯著的正相關。


Researching to understand government ethics officials, those who work for Taipei City Government and its subordinate, work under stress, respond to stress and take coping strategies, then make recommendations for their reference according to the research results. Researcher designed and issued「Taipei City Government Ethics Officials Working Stress Questionnaire」246 to recover a valid questionnaire 203 totally, and fund follows: Working stress source: Top 7 factors of working stress sources affect ethics officials are 1.colleagues relationship discord, working atmosphere is unpleasant; 2.happen privates benefit conflict frequently; 3.work affects private romantic life; 4.no time to take care of family and supervise children study; 5.senior commending officials make high work criteria to me; 6.have slim hope to promote; 7.colleagues work negative attitude affect my mood. This study shows 3 factors are belong to「organizational climate」,2 factors are belong to 「interaction between family and work」, therefore,「organizational climate」and 「interaction between family and work」are the key factors that make ethics officials working stress. Stress response : top 10 factors that ethics officials respond to stress are as follows, 1.nausea, vomiting; 2.couple or family conflict; 3.hypertension; 4.insomnia; 5.performance decline; 6.pouty; 7.critic; 8.anxious, 9.aching 10.nervous. This study shows psychological and physiological response is obvious. Coping strategies: top 5 strategies that ethics officials take to release stress are as follows: 1.lead to a sense of inner peace and feel better by smoking; 2.lead off emotion and feel better by drinking; 3.become flinch and withdraw; 4.consult with professional; 5.Engage in religious activities to release pressure. This study shows most of ethics officials take 3 kinds of strategies regarding「negative reactions」first,then choose strategies regarding the「solve problems reactions」second. This study also find the correlation between working stress and stress response; between working stress and coping strategies; and between stress response and coping strategies are significant positive.


Ethical agency Ethical officials job stress


Robbins,S.P. (1993). Organizational Behavior. A Siman & Schuster


