  • 學位論文


A narrative research of the mental impact and the self-adjustment of the novice therapists for domentic violence abuser

指導教授 : 呂旭亞


本研究目的為瞭解家庭暴力加害人新手治療師,在與加害人工作時遭遇的心理衝擊與自我調適方式。 研究的開端,是由研究者進入家庭暴力加害人團體所經驗到的心理衝擊出發,逐漸聚焦至關注家暴加害人新手治療師與加害人工作的心理衝擊與調適方式。 研究者以敘說研究中的「整體—內容」取向,整理及分析文本資料。訪問三位家庭暴力加害人新手治療師,經由研究者對研究資料有意義的剪裁與再組織過後,形成故事文本,並進行後續的詮釋與討論。 家庭暴力加害人新手治療師遭遇的心理衝擊,包括家暴加害人強烈的情緒會使新手治療師感到極度害怕或憤怒、工作環境安全性不足會讓新手治療師感到生命受威脅、受過往生命經驗的影響、價值觀受到挑戰、擔心專業能力不足而產生自我懷疑等。 而其因應方式則是經由自修、參加工作坊等專業進修方式進行自我調適;透過自我覺察方式進行反思與理解過往生命經驗的影響;由同儕及家人形成支持系統,得到更多情感上的支持與關懷,促進專業與身心健康;透過督導提供專業知識與經驗,並協助其降低焦慮,得到專業支持。 此外,研究者也針對研究中所看到的現象提出幾點建議及看法,提供有機會與家暴加害人工作的新手治療師,或是想進行相關研究者,一個可以參考與省思的方向。


The goal for this study is to understand the mental impact and the self-adjustment of the novice therapists working with domentic violence abuser. The research begins with the mental impact of the researchers when they entered the group of domentic violence abuser. Gradually the research focused on how novice therapists react and adjust the impact when working with domentic violence abuser. The researcher utilize the integral-contents oriented narrative research to organize and analyze the studies. The results was summarized and reorganized from interviews with three different novice therapists working with domentic violence abuser. The novice therapists working with domentic violence abuser had strong mental impact which includes the extreme fury and scare reaction posed by domentic violence abuser. They also feel threaten from the insecurity of the working environment. In addition, the experience in working might challenge their values of life so much that they start to doubt themselves if they have sufficient professionality in working. To dilute the stress and adjust themselves, the novice therapists can read more literature, attend relevant professional workshop. Self consciousness and awareness can help novice therapists understand and perceive the effect of past experience. Support and care from family and friends can improve the health both physically and mentally. Supervised with professional knowledge and experience can help to lower anxiety as well as to gain professional support. Besides, researcher proposes several suggestion and opinion from the observation throughout the studies. This research not only provides several novel aspects for novice therapists who would like to work with domentic violence therapists but also is a good reference for who are interested in the field.


董淑鈴 (2004)。淺談心理治療中的反移情。輔導季刊,40,33-39。
