  • 學位論文


A Study of Principals’ Opinions Toward the Effect of Teacher Eduation

指導教授 : 高熏芳


本研究旨在以學校之觀點來了解中小學校長對師資培育多元化成效之意見,藉以探討學校對於師資培育多元化政策施行後,有關師資供給、教師素質以及師資培育機構與中小學校合作關係等之看法,以作為相關單位修訂更切合於學校需求之師資培育政策方案或作為未來師資培育機構改進教學之參考。 根據資料分析結果,本研究獲致結論如下: 一、整體而言,中小學校長對於師資培育多元化成效並不滿意。 二、中小學校長對於師資培育多元化後,在「師資供給」成效方面的整體意見屬正向,但並未達高度肯定的程度。 三、中小學校長對於師資培育多元化後,有關「教師素質」的成效最不滿意,特別是在教師的「專業精神與態度」方面。 四、中小學校長對於與師資培育機構之合作情形並不滿意,特別是在師資培育機構提供「設備與資源」的協助方面。 針對研究結果,本研究提出之建議如下: 一、對於師資培育政策的建議作法 (一)提高師資培育中心設立門檻、落實退場機制,以確保師資培育品質。 (二)教師甄選公開化,教評會專業化,俾便學校甄選到契合之優良師資。 (三)發展教師專業標準,以利師資素質的管控。 (四)鼓勵中小學校積極參與師資培育,提昇師資培育品質。 (五)落實公費生分發政策,改善偏遠地區師資不足現象。 (六)弭平文化差異、增進文化認同,以減低偏遠地區師資流動率。 (七)提昇特教教師待遇,減低特教師資不足之情形。 (八)強化教師淘汰機制,編列退休經費。 二、對於師資培育機構的建議作法 (一)鼓勵學生多修學分,提昇專業知能。 (二)強化潛在教育,涵養專業精神與態度。 (三)積極與中小學建立合作關係,共謀師資培育之品質經營。 (四)整合系所資源, 提昇學生實際教學能力。 (五)發展師資培育機構特色,充裕特殊類科師資之供給。 三、對於中小學的建議作法 (一)強化溝通機制,積極與大學建立合作關係。 (二)由互惠基礎共謀雙方專業成長的有機關係。 四、未來研究的建議 (一)後續之研究可針對各差異影響之因進一步分析探討,增加研究的深度。 (二)可針對職前教師、中小學教師、學生或家長等利害關係人進行調查,擴大研究廣度。


The purpose of this study is to investigate school principals’ opinions toward the effectiveness of the teacher education deregulation. Data is collected in terms of three components:1) teacher supply, 2) teacher quality, and 3) educational partnership. It is hoped that the research result can be contributive to the policy revision for the future enactment. The conclusions of the research were summarized as follows: 1.On the whole, school principals don’t feel satisfied with the effectiveness of teacher education deregulation. 2.School principals are only satisfied with the effectiveness of teacher supply. 3.School principals are most dissatisfied with the effectiveness of teacher quality, especially in the aspect of teacher’s professional spirit and attitude. 4.School principals are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of educational partnership, especially in the aspect of the provision of equipment and resource by teacher education institutions. Based on the conclusions, the following suggestions were made for teacher education policies, teacher education institutions, schools and further research: 1.For the teacher education policy revision, 1) enhance the accreditation standard of teacher education institution, 2) strengthen the system of teacher recruitment, 3) improve teacher certification mechanism, 4) encourage schools to participate in teacher education, 5) improve the policy of government financial support for certain qualified teacher candidates, 6) eliminate the culture difference among different ethnic groups of students, 7) raise benefits and compensation of special education teachers, and 8) strengthen the system of teachers evaluation. 2.For the teacher education institutions, 1) encourage students to take more courses, 2) strengthen hidden curriculum, 3) collaborate with elementary and secondary schools, 4) integrate university related resources, and 5) develop the unique characteristics of teacher education institution. 3.For the secondary and elementary schools, 1) strengthen communication system between teacher education institutions and secondary/elementary schools, and 2) construct organic relationship with teacher education institutions. 4.For the further research, 1) investigate the factors related to the results of the study, and 2) include more stakeholders, such as pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, students and their parents as research subjects.




Li, I. C. (2012). 公立高中(職)體育科教師甄選方式與專業能力之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315310900
