  • 學位論文


Linguistic culture study of 《Shiming》

指導教授 : 盧國屏 石漢椿


本論文為以東漢劉熙所著的《釋名》為基礎材料,再以語言文化學的觀點研究,並利用語言與文化之間的緊密關係,重新建構出劉熙在《釋名》裡觀察出的人文世界。全文共分為六篇討論,分別為:第一篇〈序篇〉、第二篇〈自然天地〉、第三篇〈生命與人際互動〉、第四篇〈民生基本需求〉、第五篇〈器物與教化〉、第六篇〈結論〉。 第一篇〈序篇〉主要分為兩章作討論。第一章緒論包含了研究動機與目的、《釋名》概說與前人研究成果、本文研究方法與步驟三部分,筆者在此闡述何以選擇以語言文化學作為入路、過去前人對《釋名》的研究重心與其著作、本文研究與撰述之過程。第二章《釋名》語言文化的縮影─〈釋言語〉的詞彙系統,筆者將〈釋言語〉一篇視為當時人們常使用的基本詞彙,具有可以含括《釋名》一書其他篇章之功能,為《釋名》語言文化的縮影。在〈序篇〉中另外一個重點則是將《釋名》分為自然天地、生命與人際互動、民生基本需求、器物與教化四大類別,以開啟接下來篇章之論述。 第二篇的〈自然天地〉共包含天文與地理兩個部分,「天文」部分,正與〈釋天〉相契合;而在「地理」的部分則與〈釋地〉、〈釋州國〉、〈釋山〉、〈釋水〉、〈釋丘〉作連結。由上述的天與地兩部分,可以觀察出先民對自然環境所做出來的人文詮釋。 第三篇〈生命與人際互動〉亦是以形體與人際關係兩個部分闡述,「形體」部份,與〈釋形體〉、〈釋姿容〉、〈釋疾病〉契合,為人體知識與形貌;「人際關係」部分則與〈釋親屬〉、〈釋長幼〉、〈釋喪制〉相合,為親屬關係、人際互動之事。 第四篇〈民生基本需求〉中是分作食、衣、住、行四的子項研究,在「食」是依據〈釋飲食〉;「衣」則為〈釋綵帛〉、〈釋首飾〉、〈釋衣服〉;「住」是以〈釋宮室〉、〈釋床帳〉;「行」則由〈釋車〉、〈釋船〉、〈釋道〉討論。內容從吃的飲食、穿的衣服、住的房屋到行的交通都有相當廣泛的討論,而這些皆是民生最基本需求之事物。 第五篇〈器物與教化〉的論述重心是以音樂、用器及書籍經典三個主題探討,「音樂」以〈釋樂器〉為主;「用器」為〈釋樂器〉、〈釋兵〉兩類;「書籍經典」則由〈釋典藝〉、〈釋書契〉兩類囊括。這皆是人類在社會國家化之後,所產生的器物與教化文化。 第六篇〈結論〉除了闡明《釋名》在語言學研究的重要地位與價值之外,亦對前四篇對一個總的論述,認為由《釋名》一書可見自然天地中的人文觀點、生命與社會中的百態、概括了民生基本需求、展現了器物文明與教化涵養;但是真正重要的是經由劉熙所撰的《釋名》建構出了一個完整的有機社會組織。


釋名 語言文化 劉熙


This thesis is written based on Shiming the book, composed by Liu Xi in the East Han dynasty, with the viewpoints form linguistic culture study and in terms of the tight relationship between the language and the culture in order to reconstruct the literature world that Liu Xi had documented in Shiming. The full text is composed of six sections as: section I, the introduction; section II, the nature world; section III, life and interpersonal interaction; section IV, the basic needs of people’s livelihood; section V, the instruments and civilization; and section VI, the conclusion. The first section, as the introduction, consists of two chapters. The first chapter is titled the background and deals with the motivation and goal of this study, a brief overview of the Shiming and previous studies, as well as the approaches adopted in this study. The author here elucidates the reason why to discuss the text in terms of linguistic culture study, previous research and publications, and the narrating procedures of this study. The second chapter is titled as the epitome of linguistic culture of the Shiming- Shiyanyu (釋言語), a vocabulary system of language interpretation. The author deals with this chapter as the basic vocabulary database used at that time and therefore this chapter serves as the epitome of the text of the Shiming. In the introduction section, the author divides the Shiming into four categories: the nature world, life and interpersonal interaction, the basic needs of people’s livelihood, as well as the instruments and civilization; these four categories are discussed in the following sections. The second chapter, the nature world, consists of two chapters, astronomy and geography. The chapter of astronomy coincides with Shitian (釋天)while the chapter of geography is related to Shidi (釋地), Shichoukuo (釋州國), Shishan (釋地), Shishui (釋水), and Shicho (釋丘). From these two chapters, which represent the heaven (astronomy) and the earth (geography), we can observe the literature interpretations toward the nature world made by the past people. The third section, life and interpersonal interaction, is addressed in two chapters: figure and interpersonal interaction. The chapter of figure is associated with Shishinti (釋形體), Shijiron (釋姿容), and Shijibin (釋疾病), discussing the knowledge of human bodies and facial looks. The chapter of interpersonal interaction is related to Shichinshu (釋親屬), Shizhanyo (釋長幼), and Shisanzhi (釋喪制), dealing with relationships between relatives and the way people interact with others. The fourth section, the basic needs of people’s livelihood, is divided into four sub-subjects: food, clothes, lodging, and transportation. The food chapter is related to Shiyinsh (釋飲食); the chapter of clothes is associated with Shitsaibor (釋綵帛), Shishoshi (釋首飾), and Shiyiphu (釋衣服); the chapter of lodging is associated with Shigonshi (釋宮室) and Shichunzhan (釋床帳); the chapter of transportation is discussing Shicher (釋車), Shichan (釋船), and Shidao (釋道). This section extensively discusses the issues from the food people eat, the clothes people wear, the house people reside to the transportation, which are all the basic needs of people’s livelihood. The fifth section, instruments and civilization, emphasizes in topics of music, articles, and the scriptures. The chapter of music is based on Shiyuechi (釋樂器); the chapter of articles is associated with Shiyuechi (釋樂器) and Shibin (釋兵); the chapter of the scriptures is related to Shidenyi (釋典藝) and Shishuchi (釋書契). These represent the articles and civilization as the society being nationalized. The sixth section, conclusion, elucidates the important stand and value of Shiming in the linguistic culture study and also concludes the fore-mentioned sections. The author suggests that Shiming the book can help us to realize the contemporary literature viewpoints toward the nature world, to understand the diversity of lifestyles in the society, to generalize the basic needs of people’s livelihood, and also to demonstrate the civilization of articles and education. Most important of all, Shiming, the scriptures narrated by Liu Xi, has established a complete framework of the East Han dynasty.


Linguistic culture Shiming Liu Xi


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殷海光:《中國文化的展望》,台北:活泉,1979 年
陳奐:《詩毛氏傳疏》,台北:臺灣學生書局,1970 年初版
陳新雄:《訓詁學》,台北:臺灣學生書局,1994 年初版



