  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Effect of English Village Program on 6th Grader's English Listening and Speaking Abilities

指導教授 : 徐新逸


英語學習情境中心在臺北市政府政策大力推動以及社會對提升英語學習成效殷殷期盼下,近五年來數量增長居全臺之冠。英語學習情境中心係從認知學習理論出發,奠基情境學習理論,以直接教學法、功能-意念教學法及任務型語言教學法進行情境主題規劃以及體驗課程實施。目前國內相關研究主要集中在課程設計、教師回饋與學生學習興趣的探究,對於學習成效的分析較為缺乏。 本研究採準實驗法,以臺北市南區某公立國小六年級兩個班級為實驗對象,利用英語課程時間,先在兩班班級內實施臺北市英語學習情中心課程後,一班隨後參與英語學習情境中心體驗學習活動,另一班則否,探討英語學習情境中心課程及其體驗活動提升學童之英語聽說能力之學習成效。 研究結果發現,單獨應用英語學習情境中心的課程於一般班級英語教學課程中,對學生英語聽說能力的提升並無顯著差異,但加以參加情境中心半天式的體驗活動後,學生在英語聽說能力都有進步,但在聽力能力提升上無顯著差異,在口說能力提升上則確實達到顯著差異,且對於提升學生英語學習興趣有幫助。建議英語教師、學生及學校皆可參與英語學習情境中心的體驗課程;情境中心的外籍教師則可以強化口說練習的課程內容,使參加的學生能在情境中心大量練習英語對話;在英語教育政策上,則可推動情境中心的成功案例,鼓勵並協助學校建置情境化的教學環境,提供外籍師資,以直接教學法及任務型語言教學法進行課程,在短期教學成效上可收英語口說能力的提升,在長期教學成效上則可期待英語聽力的養成與進步。


With the push of Taipei City government policies and the high social expectation of English learning effectiveness, English village has credited for its largest increasing number for five years. Starting from cognitive learning theory, based on situated learning theory, English village proceeds situated topic planning and implements experiential programs via Direct Method(DM), Notional-Functional Approach(NFA) and Task-Based Language Instruction(TBLI). Current domestic related research primarily focused on curriculum design or teachers’ feedback and students’ learning interest inquiries, while analysis of learning effectiveness was scarcely emphasized. The study adopts quasi-experimental method. Its subjects are 6th Grade students of two classes at a public elementary school in South Taipei City. In the beginning, both two classes are having English village programs in Taipei City. Next, one is chosen for participating in experiential learning activities in English village, while the other is not. The purpose of this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of English village programs with its experiential activities on the enhancement of students’ English listening and speaking abilities. Results of study find that, while exclusively applying English village programs on general English teaching programs, there was no significant difference on the enhancement of English listening and speaking abilities for students. However, if adding the participation of half-day experiential activities, students’ English listening and speaking abilities were improved; precisely, there was no obvious difference on listening ability improvement, which was opposed to speaking. Moreover, it benefited the promotion of students’ learning interests. English teachers, students and schools are all recommended to take part in English village programs. Foreign teachers at English villages could strengthen oral practice course content to make students involved heavily practice English dialogue. Concerning English education policy, the successful case on English village installment can encourage and help schools to facilitate situated teaching environments, to recruit foreign teachers, and to proceed teaching via Direct Method (DM) and Task-Based Language Instruction (TBLI). In doing so, the short-term teaching effectiveness on English oral proficiency improvement can be achieved, while the long-term on English listening ability cultivation and progress can be anticipated.


