  • 學位論文


Environmental Impact Assessment of Resource Recycling Products - A Case Study of Fluorescent Lamps and Dry Batteries

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


鑒於近年來地球暖化造成的氣候變遷及有限資源帶來的危機,將會使人類的生存條件隨著環境破壞與資源枯竭而消失,於是各國政府紛紛實施永續物質管理的策略,為的是有效利用資源與延長資源的使用壽命,並朝向資源循環的永續利用與發展,乃為世界經濟發展之潮流,其中資源回收再利用更為其主要作法之一。 而我國回收體系已行之有年,回收處理成效良好,目前有10種產品列入公告回收。例如廢棄燈管與鹼性電池,在國內回收率達8成以上,並經由回收廠資源化的處理技術衍生的再生料,再製成的再生產品,其與原生產品相較下,可有效降低對環境之衝擊。緣此,本研究透過生命週期評估來探討燈管與乾電池對環境的衝擊與碳績效,其兩者產品之比較基準分別為一根T9-40 W(使用壽命10,000小時)的燈管及一顆AA鹼性電池,作為做為兩者原生產品及再生產品之研究的比較對象。 研究結果顯示燈管與乾電池在環境衝擊方面,皆以原生產品對環境的衝擊高於再生產品。碳足跡方面,以三波長燈管碳足跡309.23公斤當量為最高,其次為一般燈管的碳足跡309.21公斤當量,最低則為環保再生燈管碳足跡309.10公斤當量,而環保再生燈管在生命週期各階段之主要減碳效益於原料階段(24.30%);原生乾電池總碳排放為18.16公斤當量高於再生乾電池總碳排放9.06公斤當量,而再生乾電池於生命週期之總減碳效益為50.11%,棄置階段的減碳效益達99.98%,原料階段的減碳效益為27.59%。 此外,進一步透過敏感度分析環保再生燈管之汞、螢光粉、玻璃的再利用率與再生乾電池之鐵、鋅、二氧化錳的再利用率對環境之影響,得知在環保再生燈管與再生乾電池提高其再生料的再利用率,有顯著降低對環境的影響。另依據情境推估結果,於100年回收的廢T9燈管中,若使用環保再生燈管替代一般燈管可減少約437公噸的二氧化碳排放;於99年回收的廢鹼性電池中,若使用再生乾電池替代原生乾電池約減少149,557公噸的二氧化碳排放。


Due to the crisis brought by the climate change and limited resources, the living conditions of mankind are deteriorating. It is believed that climate change and limited resources are the greatest threats facing the planet nowadays. In order to have a sustainable use of natural resources, the governments all over the world have developed a policy, Sustainable Material Management (SMM), for efficiently utilizing resources and extending their usage. And recycling is one of the most important practices among the SMM. The recycling system has been established and successfully operating for years in Taiwan. Currently, it has ten kinds mandated recycled products and several have fair high recycling rates, such as the recycling rates of waste fluorescent lamps and alkaline batteries are both more than 80%. By comparing the products made by recycled materials with ones made by virgin materials, one can find big differences of the environmental impact between the two. This study, based on the life cycle assessment (LCA), is trying to investigate the environmental impact and carbon emissions differences between the virgin products and recycled products. And the target products are fluorescent lamps and alkaline batteries. Bases for conducting this comparison study are one T9-40 wattage fluorescent lamp with life-span of 10,000 hours and an AA alkaline battery, respectively. The results showed that both virgin products have higher carbon emissions than the recycled products, especially for the alkaline batteries; the carbon emissions for virgin alkaline battery and recycled alkaline battery are 18.16 kgCO2-e and 9.06 kgCO2-e, respectively. However, the difference for the fluorescent lamp is only marginal; and the total carbon emissions for virgin fluorescent lamp and recycled fluorescent lamp are 309.21 kgCO2-e and 309.09 kgCO2-e, respectively. Compared to the virgin fluorescent lamp, for recycled fluorescent lamp the stage which creates biggest carbon emissions reduction is the raw materials stage, and the reduction is 24.30%. Sensitivity analyses of the reused rate of mercury, fluorescent powder and glass for the recycled fluorescent lamp and the reused rate of iron, zinc and manganese dioxide for the alkaline battery on the environmental impact were also conducted. Results showed that increase the reused rate can significantly reduce environmental impact. Results from a scenario analysis also indicated that to use recycled fluorescent lamps to replace all the virgin fluorescent lamps and to use recycled alkaline batteries to replace all the virgin alkaline batteries can reduce up to 437 tons in 2011and 149,557 tons carbon dioxide emissions in 2010, respectively.


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