  • 學位論文


The Discussion for the Friendness Space of the Lesbian-Take Ju-La House as an example

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


聚拉屋是位在宜蘭的女同志活動空間,為創辦台灣第一間女同志出版社,集合出版社的社長林寒玉於2010年成立,她將自宅打造成「聚集拉子的屋子」,提供女同志辦活動及聚會的場地,近來也逐漸成為了同志運動在宜蘭的活動據點。由於聚拉屋在各個層面,如網路的交友社團或是出版女同志小說等,也利用了各種管道推廣女同志文化。因此,本研究旨在探討聚拉屋在實質空間、社會環境、網路空間三個層面對於友善空間的形塑,並以深入訪談參與聚拉屋活動之十五位的女同志,以及透過研究者親自參與觀察聚拉屋的各種活動,從中探討女同志互動之關係,藉以瞭解聚拉屋為女同志帶來的影響與重要意義。 本研究發現女同志在察覺自我之後,可能傾向封閉自我或是開始透過友善空間探索自我並尋找圈內的同伴,幫助自我認同中所面臨的困境;或是尋求社交活動,建立自身的人際網絡等;因此,本研究對女同志與友善空間各層面的連結由弱到強依序為「封閉型」、「接觸型」、「穩定型」、「建構型」四種類型;而封閉型的女同志較難以承受社會目光,故自我封閉較不敢接觸同志圈內;接觸型會尋求同志的相關管道瞭解同志文化與資訊,藉以幫助探索自我;穩定型則對於同志圈內的事物或建立人際關係顯得稍微被動;建構型對於圈內事物較為積極且較投入參與相關活動,並積極建構自我的人際網絡。透過本研究發現,聚拉屋可提供女同志不同的支持與幫助,使女同志有所依靠與慰藉。而本研究也針對聚拉屋提出女同志友善空間之特質:1.提供女同志於空間中感到「自在」與「安全」、2.空間多半具有象徵同志認同的符號媒介、3.擁有大量的同志資源(如同志書籍、活動資訊等)、4.通常為情慾開放的空間氛圍、5.具有連結女同志的功能;因而根據本研究所提出女同志友善空間之特質,作為同志友善空間建構之參考。 期望透過本研究成果,達到同志友善環境推廣之作用,逐步成為遍地開花的局面,使女同志空間不再缺乏,達到真正友善的環境。


The Ju-La House is the space for lesbians located in Yilan. It is the first Press for lesbians in Taiwan. It was established in 2010 by the Principle of Must Muster Publisher, Han-Yu Lin. She made her own house as “a house gatering lesbian” to offer a place for lesbians to conduct the activities and get together. Recently, it gradually becomes a stronghold in Yilan for comrade movement. Because the house in every layers also uses various channels to popularize the culture of lesbians such as friends association in network or publishing novel of lesbians. Therefore, this study is to discuss the substantive space, social environment, network space of the house for shaping the friendness space; thorough interview with fifteen lesbians participating the meeting of the house; and the researchers join and observe various activities of the house to discuss relationship between the lesbians to understand the influence and important meaning brought by the lesbians. This study finds out most of the lesbians might tend to self-seal or explore herselves through friendness space to look for companions after self-detection to help them facing the distress, seeking social activity, building social network, and so on. Therefore, this study divides the phases for the lesbians and the friendness space into four types: “closed type”, “contact type”, “stability type”, “construction type”. closed type of lesbians who cannot sustain the social vision and cannot touch the circle of comrades; contact type of lesbians who will seek relational channel of lesbians to understand the culture and the information to help them exploring themselves; stability type of lesbians who are passive for things inside the circle of comrades or to build social relationship; construction type of lesbians who are active to things inside the circle of comrades and participate relational activities, and build social network personally. So, this study finds the house can offer different support and assistance for the lesbians to rely on and feel comfort. In addition, by discussing the characterisitics of friendness space of the lesbians, this study thinks the most important thing for the lesbians is that they usually feel comfortable and secure inside the friendness space; next, the space always has the symbol media recognized by the lesbians and own lots of resources of lesbians. Moreover, the space usually has an atmosphere of open and the function of joining the lesbians. Hence, we hope it is useful in the future for constructing the friendness space based on the characteristics of the improvement lesbians proposed by this study. Thus, it is expected to popularize the friendness environment of the lesbians through the result of this paper. Besides, with shaping the friendness space of the house, it is expected that the space for the lesbians will be sufficient and the actual friendness environment for the lesbians can be reached.


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