  • 學位論文


A Study of Self-Concept of Fifth and Sixth Grade Students of Female Immigrants and Their Perceptions of Parent Rearing Style and Teacher Expectation

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在探討新移民女性其就讀國小高年級子女之自我概念及其所知覺的父母教養態度及教師期望之現況,並進一步探究此三項變項是否受學生的性別、母親教育程度及家庭社經地位影響。另,本研究亦探討自我概念、父母教養態度及教師期望三者間彼此的相關及預測情形。本研究以立意取樣方式選取桃園縣八所國小共101 位五、六年級新移民女性子女為調查對象。參與學生必需填寫四份問卷,包括父親與母親教養態度量表、教師期望量表及自我概念量表。本研究以描述統計中的平均數以及標準差及推論統計中的相關分析、變異數分析及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法分析所蒐集之資料。研究結果顯示,新移民女性子女在自我、家庭或學校等方面均展現出一定程度的自我概 念,且認為教師對其有高期望的傾向。這群學生父母的教養態度則以開明權威式的型態居多。此外,不同的學生背景變項均不影響其在自我概念或知覺母親教養態度及教師期望上的表現,唯家庭社經地位此因素會影響父親對其子女的教養態度,中高社經地位的父親對其子女的回應與要求程度顯著高於低社經地位的父親。就變項間彼此的相關情形而言,新移民女性子女的自我概念及其所知覺的父母教養態度及教師期望間均呈正相關,亦即學生對自我的概念愈清楚,則父母對其回應及要求的程度愈高,且教師對其的期望亦愈高。就預測分析的結果而言,研究結果顯示,父母教養態度及教師期望中的部分向度對新移民女性子女的個人、家庭、學校及整體自我概念皆具預測力,其中又以對 家庭自我概念的預測效果最佳。最後,本研究根據研究結果對學校行政單位、父母、教師以及未來研究提出具體建議。


The objectives of this study were to investigate (1)the level of self-concept as well as perceptions of parent rearing style and teacher expectation of elementary-aged children of female immigrants, (2)whether child self-concept and their perceptions of parent rearing style and teacher expectation differed as a function of child gender, the educational level of mother, and family social status, and (3)the correlated and predicted relationships among child self-concept and their perceptions of parent rearing style and teacher expectation. A total of 101 fifth and sixth grade students were recruited from eight elementary schools located in Taoyuan County, Taiwan to participate in this study. All students were requested to complete four questionnaires of self-concept, parent rearing style, and teacher expectation. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics including means and standard deviations and inferential statistics including correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis. Findings showed that children of female immigrants demonstrated sufficient self-concept and perceived a high level of expectation from their teachers. The majority of students experienced authoritative parenting style at home. In addition, findings indicated that students’ self-concept and their perceptions of mothers’ rearing style and teacher expectation were not affected by their gender, the educational level of their mothers, and family social status. Nonetheless, results showed that family social status did affect fathers’ rearing style. Fathers from higher social status families tended to have more communicative interactions with their children compared to those from lower social status families. With respect to correlation analyses, findings showed that there was a positive correlation among the three variables. That is, students who have a higher level of self-concept tended to have more communicative interactions with their parents and perceived a higher level of teacher expectation. Results of regression analyses demonstrated that parenting style and teacher expectation both could be a predictor of child self-concept. Based on the results of this study, suggestions were further provided for schools, parents, teachers, as well as prospective researchers who intend to conduct similar research.


