  • 學位論文


A research on the modernity influence by civil engineer Mishiro Hamano in Taiwan cities and countries during the Japanese governance of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


日治時期臺灣總督府土木技師濱野彌四郎於臺灣的市街規劃與衛生工程影響甚鉅,而濱野彌四郎亦為臺灣總督府延聘來臺,並從事衛生工程調查設計的「御雇外國人」爸爾登(W.K.Burton)的學生。明治二十九(1896)年八月,濱野彌四郎與爸爾登一同前往臺灣並在各地進行調查後,提出多項城鄉發展相關報告書,為當時臺灣的惡劣衛生環境與規劃不良的傳統市街區提出改善之道。而爸爾登在從事三年的衛生工程後不幸因感染瘧疾與赤痢逝世於東京。此後,濱野彌四郎在臺任職直至大正八(1919)年,並延續爸爾登的城鄉發展觀念,將之落實於臺灣的各項城鄉發展建設。藉此,透過以下章節,筆者意欲一窺日治初期至中期濱野彌四郎對於臺灣城鄉發展的影響情形。 第一章 乃研究動機與目的、研究範圍、相關研究文獻與究方法等基礎課題的建構。 第二章 為針對濱野彌四郎與其衛生工程教師爸爾登來臺任職前的學經歷、事蹟與二人來臺前任職前的臺灣城鄉發展情形進行廣泛的論述。 第三章 則將濱野彌四郎與爸爾登共同在臺任職時期分為衛生調查時期,並論述二人在此時期的相關活動、事業與相關的報告書文章發表內容。 第四章 則將濱野彌四郎在爸爾登逝世後的任職時期分為城鄉發展時期,同時論述濱野彌四郎所參與的臺灣城鄉發展建設與相關報告書文章發表內容。 第五章 為論述東西方近代的城鄉發展觀念,並延伸至濱野彌四郎的城鄉發展觀念,以了解濱野彌四郎對於臺灣城鄉發展近代化的影響。 第六章 乃綜合前述章節,論述濱野彌四郎於臺灣城鄉發展近代化的評價與貢獻,其中包括衛生調查事業的建構與延續、近代化城鄉發展觀念的引入與實踐與都市計劃進程的啟蒙等。


Mishiro Hamano, a Taiwan official civil engineer, had an effective influence on Taiwanese urban design and sanitary engineering when Japanese government ruled Taiwan. Mishiro Hamano, "an imperially hired foreigner" in Taiwan, was also the student of W.K. Burton, who was engaged in the Taiwanese sanitary engineering investigation. In 1896 August, Mishiro Hamano and W.K. Burton both came to Taiwan and started the field study. After investigation, they proposed abundant reports to improve the bad hygienic environment and change the flawed traditional blocks design. Unfortunately, W.K. Burton died of malaria in Tokyo after working on sanitary engineering for three years. After that, Mishiro Hamano had been serving in Taiwan until 1919. He developed the W.K. Burton's concept and implied it on every important construction in Taiwan. Following the chapters below, the author attends to analyze how greatly the influence of Mishiro Hamano did to Taiwan from the initial stage to the middle stage. Chapter1 Study motive, Intention, Study field and Study method. Chapter2 The study experience, background and the Taiwan environment before Mishiro Hamano and sanitary engineering, W.K Burton. Chapter3 The classified "Sanitary investigation" period: the related activities, careers and documents of Mishiro Hamano and W.K Burton. Chapter4 The classified "urban-rural development" period: the involved city and countryside construction and related reports of Mishiro Hamano and W.K. Burton. Chapter5 Introducing the concept of "urban-rural development" from East and West with Mishiro Hamano to understand how effectively Mishiro Hamano exert an influence on Taiwan. Chapter6 Combing all the chapters mentioned to criticize the evalue and contribution of Mishiro Hamano to Taiwan modernization including to build and continue sanitary investigation, to introduce and practice the modern "urban-rural development" concept, and to enlighten the urban design and so on.




李宛諭(2009)。上水道於城市近代化中的角色變遷-- 以台南水道發展脈絡與轉型為個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00375
