  • 學位論文

使用螺旋諧振器改善高速印刷電路板 電源完整性之研究

By using Spiral Resonator in the Improvement of Power Integrity for High-Speed Printed Circuit Board

指導教授 : 薛光華


許多的電子產品要求在高速度的條件下工作,再加上電子產品之製造朝向高密度微小化的趨勢,須使用低功率消耗及低電壓的工作條件。於是電源系統會因輸入的雜訊影響而使電源系統工作不穩定,而內部緩衝器同時動作產生同步切換雜訊 (simultaneous switching noise, SSN) 是產生電源完整性問題 (power integrity, PI) 的主要因素。同步切換雜訊已成為嚴重問題,而必須使得邏輯狀態的上升與下降時間內電源系統的穩定性。過往設計是使用去耦合電容(decoupling capacitors)來降低同步切換雜訊,此篇提出改善電源完整度以及降低電源雜訊的一種方式將電源平面加裝螺旋諧振器去抑制雜訊的干擾。曾有文獻使用mm單位,惟本論文係以電子產業界常用的mil單位去設計螺旋諧振器,並將主要螺旋結構應用在電源平面去改善電源雜訊。模擬與實作結果後,可使插入損失| S21|皆有-20 dB以上的抑制深度,能夠有效抑制同步切換雜訊及電源雜訊並兼顧訊號完整性(signal integrity, SI)及電源完整性。


The development of electronic products shows a tendency of high density and miniaturization. More and more electronic products are asked to operate at high speed with low voltage and low power consumption. The instability of power system is due to input noise. Simultaneous switching noise (SSN) made by internal buffer is a major factor to interfere power integrity (PI). SSN has become a serious issue that must be addressed to ensure system stability during the short rise- and fall-times of the logic transient states. Traditional method is utilizing decoupling capacitors to reduce SSN. This thesis presents a method to improve power integrity and reduce SSN by installation of spiral resonator on power plane. Spiral resonator was designed with “mm” unit in some references. However, we design spiral resonator with “mil” unit usually used in electronic industry, and the main spiral structure applied on power plane can improve power noise. After simulation and implementation, insertion loss |S21| are both above -20dB, which can effectively suppress input noise and SSN simultaneously keep signal integrity and power integrity.


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