  • 學位論文

從人員甄選看企業經營成功之關鍵 - 以人壽保險公司為例

Personnel Selection and Successful Business Operation- Taking a Life Insurance Company as an Example

指導教授 : 林玥岑


本研究主要探討人壽保險公司經營成功的關鍵。由於業務人員的直接銷售是人壽保險公司經營的主要業務來源,但人壽保險公司面臨培訓不易及定著率偏低的問題,造成對行業印象不佳,而有人壽保險公司却在最嚴峻的環境下,仍穩健經營,連續蟬聯保險業全國模範壽險公司,其主要關鍵為嚴格的人員甄選制度。 因此本研究以該公司為研究對象,屬於探索性的質化研究,蒐集的方式包括資料蒐集、實地觀察、深度訪談及個案研究等。根據本研究分析結果得知,個案公司花大量時間找對人,平均每人從招募到錄用時間約一個半月。物以類聚,優秀的候選人以及壽險顧問的推薦是最佳來源,透過組織人才吸引力的嚴密安排,以及有系統且規劃性的面試流程,挑選合適的人才。 根據研究結果,在保險業的實務管理應用上,可做為保險業人員甄選參考以提升保險業形象,以及提供個案公司對現有甄選人員相關職能的強化。研究最後並提出建議以及未來可以研究及探討的方向。希望對於人壽保險業的人員素質提升及經營績效提升有正面的幫助。


人才招募 人員甄選


This study mainly focuses on how to be a successful insurance company. Most of the insurance company’s business is from direct sales through their life planners. However, because of low retention rate and lack of training ability, one has a poor impression for this career. Even so, there are a few companies which are able to maintain steady growth under such difficult time. Some can even archive to be the model company every year in a row. The key factor that makes this difference is based on how one selects their life planner. This study uses a local company to be the subject of research. For reliability purpose, we gather information through field observation, depth interviews and individual case study. What we have found is that this company spends quite amount of time to recruit a life planner. In average, it takes one and half month from the first meeting to the final offer. It believes birds of a feather flock together. Getting referral from quality people is the best way to meet the candidate. Following by a strict screening process, it is able to select the right life planner-to-be. In conclusion, the result of this study can be applied on practical management. It will be a good reference on how to promote image of this field, and on how to enhance the personnel selection for each company. In the end, this study also points out other interesting subject for future research. Hopefully, it will cause positive impact on elevating the quality of personnel along with better business performance.


Recruitment Selection


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