  • 學位論文


The Effects of Taiwan’s Health Insurance Policy on the Industry of Anesthesiology

指導教授 : 陳建良


全民健康保險自1985年實施以來迄今己十八年,其中歷經多任的署長,在不斷的修正下,在2013年正式由一代健保邁入二代健保。全民健保享有民眾極高的滿意度,在國際上也備受推崇,認為是醫療保險上的一個奇蹟。但是全民健保也經由他的獨佔性,慢慢地全面影響醫療產業的發展。由於健保給付的影響,醫療市場的人力開始出現結構性的改變。內、外、婦、兒、急診、麻醉科的醫師開始漸漸流失,許多人力開始移向較為輕鬆的科別如眼科、皮膚科、醫學美容等。 本文以麻醉產業為例,探討全民健保實施以後,對於麻醉人力(麻醉專科醫師,麻醉護理人員)、工作負擔、薪資、品質及醫療糾紛的影響。研究方法主要以文獻分析法為主,先收集資料而後加以探討及分析。研究結果顯示:我國麻醉專科醫師人力仍嫌不足;麻醉護理人員並無適當的教育訓練及法律規範;工作時間長達每週60小時、一人需同時照顧四間開刀房;薪資低約為美國的一半;品質低落,麻醉相關致死率為美國的24倍,日本的12倍;風險高,發生醫療糾紛的機率較其它專科高,賠償金額屢創新高。 現今麻醉產業呈現出人力不足,工作負擔重,薪資相對低落,麻醉品質差,醫療糾紛層出不窮的狀況。要如何突破這錢少、事多、離監近的困境則要由全民健保的制度上做徹底的改革,改變目前只看麻醉術式的給付方法,消除論病例計酬的排擠效應,改以病人的身體狀況來做為給付的標準。此外也要正視麻醉護理人員的養成,成立類似美國的教育與訓練制度,規範執行業務的範圍。台灣麻醉醫學會也應該在麻醉品質上做好把關的工作,同時在醫療糾紛的處理上多給予會員協助,並在法律的修改上多所著墨。如此方能挽救麻醉產業的沈痾!


After its founding in 1985 and subsequent multiple changes in leaderhip, Taiwan's National Health Insurance, NHI, finally underwent full reform in 2013 to yield its current second Generation Policy. NHI not only has gained international prominence, but also has achieved incredibly high rates of satisfaction and is often cited as a miracle in nationalized health insurance models. However, its compulsory single-payer plan has drastically affected development of the medical industry. Most prominently, as new medical graduates move towards fields such as Ophthomology, Dermatology, and Aesthetic Medicine that offer higher reimbursement to workload ratios, specialities including Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, and Anesthesiology are becoming unsuccessful in recruiting a new generation of medical providers. Using document analysis,this paper focuses on how NHI has affected the field of Anesthesiology, particularly looking into data and analyses pertaining to anesthiology personnel (anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists), workload, salary, quality, and medical malpractice. Results show insufficiency in anesthesiology personnel, 60-hour week workload per anesthiologist who staffs four operating rooms, salary less than half of what similar practitioners in the US receive, poorer anesthetic quality with a 24-fold higher anesthesia-related mortality when compared to US practices and 12-fold higher when compared to Japanese practices, and both higher likelihood of and payout for medical malpractice compared to other medical fields. In light of such issues, the solution lies in yet another complete reform of NHI – abolishing the current payment system based on case number and anesthetic type and replacing it with one based on patient’s physical status. Furthermore, Nurse anesthetist personnel training also needs to be reformed, pursuing a model similar to that of the US while clearly outlining the field’s procedural boundaries. In addition, the Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists also needs to play a more prominent role in quality assurance, as well as in aiding practitioners navigate dispute issues. All of these changes will be instrumental to improving the current state of Anesthesiology in Taiwan.


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