  • 學位論文


The cultural issues of incest family intervention by professional helpers: three cases of Atayal families

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究欲探討專業助人工作者介入亂倫家庭之文化議題,研究目的係以泰雅族家庭為例,亂倫事件為切入點,試圖呈現出專業助人工作者介入泰雅族家庭的文化議題,從介入的關鍵事件了解泰雅族文化如何影響家庭的行為與想法,以及專業助人工作者之多元文化能力。 本研究以便利取樣篩選三個泰雅族家庭及其社工、心理師為研究參與者,以個案研究方法進行本研究,透過深度訪談法蒐集資料,所有訪談錄音皆轉謄為逐字稿,由研究者和協同編碼者共同針對逐字稿進行開放性編碼形成意義單元,再進一步將相似的意義單元形成類別單元,最後將類別單元彙整為主題,並分別撰寫三個泰雅族家庭的個別結果與跨個案分析。 本研究結果顯示:一、泰雅族文化形塑家庭成員對於亂倫事件的想法與行為有:(一)亂倫是gaga的禁忌,(二)肢體碰觸是親密且友善的表現,(三)違反gaga者遭部落排擠和譴責。二、專業助人工作者介入泰雅族家庭所呈現之文化議題有:(一)倖存者最佳利益:安全考量v.s.文化認同;(二)解決問題的落差:國家法v.s.習慣法;(三)對界線看法的差異:隱私v.s.肢體碰觸是親密且友善的表現;(四)保密的兩難:以家庭為本位v.s.以部落為主體。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論並提出建議,以提供專業助人工作者以及未來研究之參考。


Present study explores cultural issues of the professional helper’s intervention on the incest family. Taking the cases from Atayal family and focusing the incidents of incest, presents study revealed the cultural issues of professional helper’s intervention and identified how Atayal culture impacts on the family behaviors and thoughts via these critical incidents and suggested the multiple cultural ability of the professional helper. Present study approached three Atayal families, their social workers, and consulters by convenient sampling. These cases were in-depth interviewed and the recordings were carefully transcribed. The researcher and another coordinating coder analyzed the transcripts into meaningful units via open coding. The meaningful units were categorized based on the similarity as categorical units. Finally, we selective coded as themes and reported here with three within-case findings and between-case comparison. The finding indicates the culture of the incented family and the interactive relationship among the family members are threefold: First, incest is a taboo of gaga. Second, bodily touch is a sign of intimacy and friendliness. Third, people who disobey gaga cannot get along with others and would be condemned. The cultural issues of professional helper’s intervention in the aboriginal family were fourfold: First, the best interest of the survivals: safety versus cultural identity. Second, the difference on resolutions: national law versus habitual law. Third, the different understandings of boundary: privacy versus bodily touch as signs of intimacy and friendliness. Fourth, the dilemma of confidentiality: family-centered versus tribe as subject. Finally, the implications of our findings and future research are discussed.


一、 中文部分
