  • 學位論文


Application of a GPS Embedded Mobile Device to Enhance Aviation Safety

指導教授 : 謝賢書


本國軍、民用直升機飛行通常採用目視的飛航模式。換句話說,飛航管制的方式是由飛行員主動以無線電通報直升機的位置與後續企圖。簡言之,採用通信追蹤的方式來掌握航空器的動態。在部分的目視航路上,由於地形、障礙的影響,無法有效構成無線電的通聯,容易產生飛航管制上之盲點。 本研究主要的目的,在測試現有具備GPS衛星定位功能之行動通信載具,利用衛星執行直昇機的即時定位的可行性。並探討現有無線通信系統在基地台的設置範圍、天線的角度、網路壅塞的狀況下,其訊號每30秒鐘傳送的回報情形。藉以判斷是否能應用於國內目視飛航的直升機上,以達到自我定位與監視的效果,進而提升飛航安全與飛航管制之效能。 我們選用了中華電信的車訊快遞系統為測試的主機實施飛行的驗證,主要的測試項目包括有:GPS衛星在直昇機上的即時位置定位及高度、無線通信系統傳送定位資訊的自動回報率、監控端即時監視畫面的顯示狀況等。經過多次的測試成果,在直昇機的即時定位上,確實能達到提供飛行人員飛行時,自我定位的功能,在無線通信系統的資訊回傳上,因為基地台天線的角度、位置與高度,還有同一時間使用戶的多寡,都將影響監控端即時影像的接收效能。但只要經過適切的調整基地台的設置,並使用專用的訊號傳輸線路,運用這套系統來輔助飛航管制單位對直昇機的航行監視功能,還是值得期待的。


The military and civilian helicopter flights usually adopt visual flight rules (VFR) mode. It is common practice of VFR that pilots report their position and subsequent attempts via radio. Simply speaking, VFR, a typical method of flight control uses radio communication to track dynamic position of aircraft. Due to the variety of terrains and induced coomunication obstacles, radio communication tends to create blind spots for the air traffic control. Mobile communication carriers commonly used in the ground taxi system provide real-time postioning function. This study proposes the idea of implementing a mobile communication carrier in a flying helicopter. This research then investiges the effective ranges of the existing wireless communication systems affected by different locations, angle of antenna, and congestion status. The investigation results would justify if the mobile communication carriers can be reliably applied to the domestic VFR helicopter to achieve self-positioning and track monitoring, and therefore to enhance aviation safety and air traffic control. The commercial vehicle tracking system provided by Chunghwa Telecom Co. is used in this study. The main testing items include the real-time positions and heights of the testing helicopter, the effective signal delivery rate, the real-time monitoring display screen appearance in the monitoring end. During the testing periods, the positioning signals are transmitted every 30 seconds. The testing runs in this study showed that antenna angle, location, height, and servicing popularity of a base station would affect the monitoring display screen appearance performance in the monitoring end. The investigation results concluded that a ground based mobile communication carrier is able to provide helicopter pilots and the monitoring end accurate real-time positioning informations.


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