  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Recreation Experience and Satisfaction of Visitors to Art Communities-A Case Study of Dingxi District, Huwei Township, Yunlin County

指導教授 : 梁大慶


本研究探討遊客對藝術型社區的遊憩體驗與滿意度之關係。研究目的有三個,第一是為了探究社區藝術資源對遊客遊憩體驗之影響,第二探討社區藝術資源對遊客滿意度之影響,最後是了解遊客遊憩體驗與滿意度之相關性。研究對象為雲林縣虎尾鎮頂溪社區,以問卷便利抽樣方式針對遊客進行調查。自2014年2月開始至2015年1月到頂溪社區現場發放問卷且回收,總計共發出423份問卷,扣除填答不完整或不符填答規定之無效問卷35份,有效問卷共計388份,將調查所得的資料統計分析與研究,獲得以下結論:(1)遊客性別以「女性」居多;年齡多集中在「31~40歲」;居住地有超過半數比例的遊客是居住在除了頂溪社區以外的「雲林」;教育程度以「大學畢業」最多;職業以「工商服務」佔最大比例;平均月收入介於「三~五萬」間者居多。每個月平均出遊次數以「兩次」佔最大比例;超過一半以上比例的遊客是從「FB(臉書)或網路」獲取社區的相關資訊;交通工具以「汽車」為主;同伴性質,與「家人親戚」出遊的遊客超過半數比例;前來社區的動機以「遊玩」性質居多。(2)遊客的遊憩體驗,因遊客的教育程度不同而有所差異。(3)遊客的滿意度,不因遊客的個人基本變項而有所差異。(4)在遊憩體驗「教育體驗」、「美學體驗」、「娛樂體驗」的三個構面裏,遊客以「美學體驗」有最佳的體驗感受,但在「娛樂體驗」裡遊客卻有最不理想的體驗狀態。(5)在滿意度「公共設施」、「解說服務」、「藝術環境」的三個構面裏,遊客在「藝術環境」方面獲得的滿意度最高,但在「公共設施」方面獲得的滿意度最低。(6)遊憩體驗與滿意度呈現顯著正相關,也就是遊客有較佳的遊憩體驗,相對的就有較高的滿意度。 透過本研究結果,可以探討遊客對於彩繪藝術進入社區的遊憩體驗與滿意程度,創造遊客重遊社區的新契機,進而達到形塑公民美學之目標,且能提供給即將透過藝術方式改造社區的相關人士作為參考與依循的方向,真正落實社區永續經營之理想。


This study probed into the relationship between recreation experience and satisfaction of visitors to art communities.The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of community arts resources on the recreation experience of visitors. Another aim was to find out the effect of community arts resources on visitor satisfaction. Finally, the relevance of visitor recreation experience and satisfaction was examined in the study. The subjects of study were visitors to Dingxi District, Huwei Township, Yunlin County; the method was a questionnaire survey using convenience sampling for visitors. Questionnaires were sent out to a total of 423 visitors to Dingxi District between February 2014 and January 2015. 35 invalid questionnaires with incomplete responses or inconsistencies were not included in the sample set leaving a total of 388 valid questionnaires received. Based on a 5-point Likert Scale, the survey data concluded:(a)Visitors’ personal background have a tendency to homogeneity.(b)The recreation experience of visitors varies due to different levels of education.(c)Visitor satisfaction didn’t vary due to personal basic variables of visitors.(d)When reporting the "educational experience" ,"aesthetic experience", and "entertainment experience", visitors reported the most positive experience as "aesthetic experience", but the worst experience as "entertainment experience".(e)Concerning "public facilities", "guide services", and "art environment", visitors had the highest satisfaction from "art environment" but the lowest satisfaction from "public facilities".(f)Recreation experience and satisfaction show a significant positive correlation. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on recreation experience and satisfaction to art communities.


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