  • 學位論文


The Research on the Relationship of Technology University Students’ English Learning Belief, Learning Climate, Learning Anxiety and Learning Effectiveness

指導教授 : 楊國德


本研究旨在探究科技大學學生英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮與學習效能之間的關聯,研究目的包括:了解科技大學學生英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮與學習效能實際情形;分析不同背景變項在英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮與學習效能差異情形;探討科技大學學生英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮與學習效能相關情形;了解科技大學學生英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮對學習效能預測程度;建構英語學習效能模式,並驗證模式之可行性,對教學實務及未來研究的參考。 本研究以南部科技大學日間部一年級987位學生為研究對象,研究工具為研究者自編四個量表所組成的「科技大學學生英語學習調查」問卷,經過信、效度分析後進行正式施測,並透過t檢定、單因子變異數分析、典型相關、逐步多元迴歸分析、結構方程模式等統計分析方法進行資料分析,所得結論如下: 一、科技大學學生的學習信念方面,屬中等偏高以上程度;學習氣氛方面,屬中等偏高程度; 學習焦慮方面,屬中等偏低程度;學習效能方面,屬中等程度。 二、性別差異存在於學習信念與學習氣氛:女生在認同英語價值層面明顯高於男生;男生在教師支持與系統結構層面,男生感受程度都高於女生。 三、在學習信念方面,工業資訊學院學生除了成功學習層面之外,其餘層面的認同程度最低;在學習氣氛方面,健康休閒學院學生在所有層面的感受度最低;在學習焦慮方面,健康休閒學院學生在所有層面都呈現最高的焦慮感;在學習效能方面,也以健康休閒學院學生在所有層面的分數最低。 四、國立學校學生在學習信念的成功學習層面與學習效能的完成目標、適應調整、資源運用層面明顯高於私立學校學生。 五、高職畢業的科技大學學生,在系統結構層面與師生互動焦慮層面,比高中畢業的科技大學學生感受度較高。 六、高分組學生在感受學習氣氛及學習效能程度最高,學習焦慮方面,低分組學生感受程度最高。 七、學習信念與學習氣氛共五個變項對學習效能有正向影響,學習焦慮則無顯著典型相關存在。 八、學習氣氛中的教師支持變項對學習效能最具預測力。 九、英語學習信念、學習氣氛、學習焦慮與學習效能之模式適配?良好。 本研究依據研究過程與結果,除了提供若干提升學習效能建議給教育與學校當局,也給予學校老師提供教學實務參考,並對後續研究者提出研究建議。


This research explores the relationship of technology university students’ English learning belief, learning climate, learning anxiety and learning effectiveness. The main purposes are to understand the current situation of technology university students’ English learning belief, learning climate, learning anxiety and learning effectiveness; to investigate if there are any significant differences among students with different background variables on technology university students’ English learning belief, learning climate, learning anxiety and learning effectiveness; to measure canonical correlation between two sets of variables; to explore which independent variables (learning belief, learning climate, learning anxiety) can be better predictors of the dependent variables (learning effectiveness); to construct the exploratory modeling and to provide pedagogical and theoretical suggestions for education authorities, universities, educators and researchers based on the findings. The subjects were day-time 987 freshmen at technology universities in southern Taiwan. The instrument was the questionnaire, the questionnaire of technology university students’s English learning, composed of four scales, designed by the researcher and the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire were evaluated. The data collected was analyzed by the statistical analysis: t-test, One-Way ANOVA, canonical correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis and SEM. The findings are as follows: 1. According to the analysis, students’ learning belief is at an elevated level, learning climate is at an elevated level, learning anxiety reaches an upper low level, and learning effectiveness is at a moderate level. 2. Significant gender differences exist in three dimensions of learning belief and learning climate: female students value the importance of English more than the male students, but male students report higher levels of teacher supports and curriculum structure than the female students do. 3. Except for the dimension of successful learning, the Industry/Information Technology majors disagree the most on learning belief. The Health Care/Leisure majors feel learning climate the least, feel the highest learning anxiety and possess the lowest learning effectiveness. 4. Public university students agree more on the aspect of successful learning in learning belief than private university students. The students of the former also perform better at the dimensions of goal attainment, learning adjustment, and resort to resources in learning effectiveness than those of the latter. 5. Students from vocational senior high schools can feel curriculum structure in learning climate and teacher-student interaction anxiety in learning anxiety more than those from senior high schools can. 6. The students with high achievement in English feel learning climate the most and possess the highest learning effectiveness. Those with low achievement feel the highest learning anxiety. 7. Two variables in learning belief and three variables in learning climate have positive and significant effects on learning effectiveness through one canonical variate. All three variables in learning anxiety show no canonical correlation with learning effectiveness significantly. 8. The dimension of teacher support in learning climate is the most predictable variable of learning effectiveness. 9. The model constructed presents a good fit, which means the collected data matches the research model. Besides some suggestions about how to improve students’ English learning effectiveness to the education and school authorities, the findings can have pedagogical implications and serve as a reference for English educators as well as for future researchers.


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