  • 期刊


How to Determine a Sample Size in Survey Research


採用問卷調查方式從事體育教學、學生學習興趣等的研究是很好的測量工具,研究者設計問卷除要注意問卷的信度與校度外,還需考慮該項研究需要發放多少份問卷,才符合研究要求也是重要的考慮因素。計算問卷的樣本量,首先要決定研究的抽樣誤差(confidence interval,也稱之為margin of error)和信心水準(confidence level)數值,估計問卷變異數和問卷的性質是連續變項(continuous data)或間斷變項,如果研究樣本的設計為連續變項(continuous data)尚需考慮問卷設計的內容是5點量表還是7點量表,此外問卷的回收率也是研究者要合併考率的事項。


The questionnaire survey which was conducted in PE teaching and students' learning interests is a useful measurement tool in survey research. The researcher not only needs to care for questionnaire's reliability and validity, but also have to determine appropriate sample sizes for the study. In order to calculate appropriate sample size of the questionnaires, we must first determine the error estimation, margin of error, confidence level values, and the nature of thequestionnaire which is continuous or categorical data. If it is continuous data, then we need to decide whether a five-point or seven-point scale to be used. Moreover, we need to consider the returning rate, oversampling size, and uncooperative subjects.


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