  • 學位論文


Studies on the Sustainable Development of Tainan Science Park’s Neighbor Townships

指導教授 : 毛冠貴


本研究目的係探討台南科學園區民國87年營運後,對鄰近新市鄉、善化鎮、安定鄉經濟、生活與環境三方面之影響。本研究經由文獻回顧及現場調查,擬定問卷內容,進行調查及訪談,問卷調查採立意及隨機取樣方式,回收有效問卷328份。 問卷內容有關經濟、生活及環境三個面向之t檢定,以環境面之同意度最高,其次為經濟面及生活面。環境面包括5個問項,其中以綠籬設置之同意度為最高,例如在科學園區界線附近,設置大型喬木等複層綠籬,以降低噪音及空氣等污染;其次為園區道路行道樹栽種,例如選種當地原生之台灣欒樹等樹種,增進園區街道綠美化及遮蔭效果。經濟面包括5個問項,其中以科學園區回饋金補助鄰近地區同意度為最高,尤其台南科學園區回饋金之計算公式及分配比例需明確,使回饋金公平分配及運用有效率;其次為興建有助地方整體發展之相關公共建設,例如新市鄉存在已久之水患問題,透過園區排水系統之規劃,已改善當地淹水困擾,然而,部分地區仍有水患,需要透過完善區域排水系統規劃與建設,予以改善。生活面包括12個問項,其中以國道8號新市交流道與通往新市鄉之道路路網改善等5項同意度為最高,例如國道8號新市交流道與通往新市鄉之車流量大,致道路交叉路口易擁塞,需增設多時相號誌,引導直行、左右轉車輛,依號誌指示方向行駛;其次為都市計畫地區的生活機能較佳,增加民眾租屋及購屋意願,因此鄰近都市地區租屋及購屋同意度高。本研究綜合上述環境、經濟及生活三個面向之分析,針對問題進行改善,並朝永續發展目標邁進,使居民生活福祉提升,盼望未來台南科學園區與鄰近地區能共存共榮。


回饋金 路網 綠籬 排水系統 永續發展


The objective of this study is to investigate the economic, life, and environmental influences at the Park’s neighbor townships such as Shinshi, Shanhua and Anding after the operation of the Tainan Science Park in 1998. Questionnaire designed and setup based on literature review and on-site investigation has been distributed and the interview has been carried out to the interviewees intently and randomly. A total of 328 effective copies of questionnaires have been recovered. Through the t-test comparison the environmental issue has the highest agreement degree, followed by economic and life issues. Highest agreement degree has been found in the green fence establishment among 5 questions asked in the environment issue. Tall trees cultivated in double layer for green fence within the Park’s limit can be used to reduce noise and air pollutions. The next is the shade trees on the side walk. The native tree such as Taiwan flame gold tree (Koelreuteria henryi Dummer) should be selected to increase the effects of greening, beauty and shading in the Park region. Among 5 questions within the economic issue, the feed-back compensation to subsidy the neighbor township gains the highest agreement degree. Firstly, the calculation of the amount of feed-back compensation must be clear to ensure the fair distribution and effective uses. Secondly, local integrated development for public construction is also concerned. For example, the flooding problem at Hsinshi Township has been solved through the well-planned drainage system around the Park. However, solving and improving the flooding situation at some places are still needed to be covered by the well-planned regional drainage system. Five questions including Hsinshi Intersection of High Way 8 and roads to the Hsinshi Township gain the highest agreement degree among 12 questions asked in the life issue. Traffic jam caused by heavy vehicle flow at the intersection and near-by roads can be solved by the setup of suitable traffic light system to guide the right driving direction of vehicles. The next high agreement degree is the house rental and purchasing at the neighbor townships. People will be attracted to buy or rent house at regions where have well-planned urban plan and good life functions. Summarized from the analytical results of environmental, economical, and life issues, the measures of improvements have been proposed to increase the welfare of residents, sustain the good living environment and the utilization of resources for mutual gloried development and sustainable co-existence between the Tainan Science Park and its neighbor townships.




