  • 學位論文


A Study of Software Technology for ERP Systems Development and Extension in Small and Medium Enterprises

指導教授 : 楊崇宏




The competitive advantages of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the flexibility and efficiency of business operation and management. Thus, manufacturing automation and management informatization are becoming the key issues of running SMEs. Most of the studies on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for SMEs aim on the implementation of the ERPs. However, the study to investigate customized development or extension of ERPs for SMEs is rare. In this thesis, the advantages/disadvantages of adopting package ERPs or customized ERPs for SMEs are investigated. Moreover, based on two actual cases, the technology and methodology for developing a customized ERP and extending a package ERP are studied. Four ways of implementing ERPs and then extending the ERPs are proposed and evaluated based on the actual cases. The study results show that several homogeneous micro-businesses can cooperate to develop their customized ERPs to reduce the cost of developing customized ERPs as well as improve the efficiency of managing their micro-businesses. On the other hand, for larger SMEs the package ERPs could be implemented firstly and then be extended in a customized approach, so that the SMEs can gain the benefits of package ERPs and the availability of customized ERPs with lower cost. Ongoing research may explore how to apply these technology and methodology, which were approved through the actual cases, on other SMEs to improve their information technology and management efficiency.


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