  • 學位論文


Extractives from Zelkova serrata Delay the Aging Process and Alzheimer’s Disease

指導教授 : 張上鎮


櫸 (Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino) 為臺灣闊葉樹五木之一,且為傳統藥用植物。本研究目的為評估櫸心材、邊材及樹皮等3部位精油及乙醇抽出物之抗氧化及抗發炎活性,並利用模式生物-秀麗隱桿線蟲 (Caenorhabditis elegans (Maupas) Dougherty) 評估其延緩老化及減緩阿茲海默症之功效。 體外試驗結果顯示,心材精油具有良好的捕捉自由基活性及含有酚類化合物 (161.4 mg of GAE/g)。樹皮抽出物之總酚類化合物含量高 (288.1 mg of GAE/g) 且具有良好自由基捕捉能力及還原力,卻不具抗發炎活性。心材抽出物的總酚類 (234.8 mg of GAE/g) 及黃酮類化合物含量 (348.5 mg of RE/g) 皆高,不但具有高自由基捕捉能力,且具高抗發炎活性。因此,乃進一步評估心材抽出物各可溶部之抗氧化及抗發炎活性。結果顯示,乙酸乙酯可溶部的收率高且抗氧化活性佳,但不具抗發炎活性;正己烷可溶部的收率次之,兼具抗氧化及抗發炎活性。體內試驗結果顯示,心材精油能顯著降低胡桃醌及高溫誘導野生型C. elegans (N2 strain) 所產生氧化壓力;心材抽出物、其各可溶部及E10次分離部亦能顯著提高野生型C. elegans對胡桃醌及高溫的壓力耐受性。 以生物活性為導向,由櫸心材精油及抽出物共獲得17個成分,包含15個萜類及2個黃酮類化合物,其中,7-Methoxyzelkoserratone (4)、3-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (5)、4-Methoxymansonone G (6)、6-Hydroxy-5-isopropyl-2,8-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-[1,4]naphthoquinone (8)、4,7-Dihydroxy-calamenen-3-one (10)、3-Methoxy-7-hydroxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (11)、1α-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-1(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (12) 為首次在天然物中發現之成分,7-Hydrxycalamenene (1)、7-Hydroxycadalene (2)、7-Hydroxy-calamenen-3-one (9)、3,7-Dihydroxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (13) 及Mansonone G (15) 則首次由櫸分離而得。 由體外試驗結果得知,7-Hydroxycalamenene (1)、7-Hydroxy-3-methoxycadalene (3) 及Kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) 之抗氧化活性較佳;7-Hydroxy-3-methoxycadalene (3)、7-Hydroxy-calamenen-3-one (9) 及3,7-Dihydroxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (13) 之抗發炎活性較佳。心材精油主成分7-Hydroxycalamenene (1) 為體內抗氧化活性來源,且能減緩基因轉殖C. elegans (CL4176 strain) 因類澱粉β胜肽累積所造成的癱瘓,推論其有潛力成為減緩阿茲海默症之藥劑或保健產品。心材抽出物E10次分離部之主成分-Kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) 在正常環境能些微提高野生型C. elegans壽命期,卻無延緩老化之功效;然而,在胡桃醌誘導氧化壓力及高溫環境中,Kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) 可顯著提升野生型C. elegans壽命期。進一步研究結果顯示,在胡桃醌氧化壓力下,Kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) 可能透過增加轉錄因子DAF-16 (Dauer formation-16) 及SKN-1 (Skinhead-1) 進入細胞核之比例,分別提高下游壓力反應蛋白SOD-3 (Superoxide dismutase-3) 及GST-4 (Glutathione S-transferase-4) 之基因表現量,進而提升C. elegans之壓力耐受性。 本研究結果證實櫸心材精油及抽出物具有體內及體外抗氧化活性,並具有潛力治療阿茲海默症,顯示櫸心材抽出成分極具潛力開發為抗氧化及減緩阿茲海默症之保健食品或藥物。


Taiwan zelkova (Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino) is one of the five most precious hardwood trees in Taiwan, and is also a medical plant based on traditional knowledge. The aim of this study was to evaluate antioxidant and antiinflammatoy activities of essential oils and ethanolic extracts from three plant parts (heartwood, sapwood, and bark) of Z. serrata. In addition, the potential to delay the ageing process and to protect against amyloid-β toxicity of essential oils and ethanolic extracts from Z. serrata were investigated in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. Results obtained from in vitro assays demonstrated that the essential oil of Z. serrata heartwood exhibited good radical scavenging activities and high total phenolic content (161.4 mg of GAE/g). The bark extract contained the highest level of total phenolic content (288.1 mg of GAE/g), and possessed excellent free radical scavenging activities and reducing power, but bark extract did not exhibit antiinflammatoy activity. The heartwood extract contained high levels of total phenolic (234.8 mg of GAE/g) and total flavonoid contents (348.5 mg of RE/g), and had both antioxidant and antiinflammatoy activities. The antioxidant and antiinflammatoy activities of 4 soluble fractions from heartwood extract were further examined. Results showed that the ethyl acetate soluble fraction had the highest yield and good antioxidant activities, but no antiinflammatoy potential. The n-hexane soluble fraction had high yield as well as good antioxidant and antiinflammatory activities. In vivo assays showed the essential oil of heartwood significantly inhibited oxidative damage in wild-type C. elegans (N2 strain) under juglone-induced oxidative stress and heat shock. The heartwood extract, its soluble fractions and subfraction E10 also significantly increased stress resistance to juglone and heat stress in wild-type C. elegans. 17 compounds, including 15 sesquiterpenes and 2 flavonoids, were obtained from essential oil and extract of heartwood after a bio-guided fractionation. 7-Methoxyzelkoserratone (4), 3-hydroxy-7-methoxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (5), 4-methoxymansonone G (6), 6-hydroxy-5-isopropyl-2,8-dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-[1,4] naphthoquinone (8), 4,7-dihydroxy-calamenen-3-one (10), 3-methoxy-7-hydroxy- 3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (11), and 1α-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (12) were firstly isolated from nature. 7-Hydrxycalamenene (1), 7-hydroxycadalene (2), 7-hydroxy-calamenen-3-one (9), 3,7-dihydroxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (13), and mansonone G (15) were isolated from Z. serrata for the first time. In vitro assays showed that 7-hydroxycalamenene (1), 7-hydroxy- 3-methoxycadalene (3), and kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) exhibited antioxidant activities; 7-hydroxy-3-methoxycadalene (3), 7-hydroxy-calamenen-3-one (9), and 3,7-dihydroxy-3(4H)-isocadalen-4-one (13) had anti-inflammatory activities. Additionally, the major compound in essential oil of heartwood, 7-hydroxycalamenene, may contribute significantly to the observed antioxidant activity. Further evidence showed that 7-hydroxycalamenene (1) significantly delayed the paralysis phenotype in amyloid beta-expressing transgenic C. elegans (CL4176 strain), revealing that the potential for drugs dietary supplements to slow progress of Alzheimer’s disease. The major compound in subfraction E10 of heartwood extract, kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17), slightly extended the lifespan of wild-type C. elegans but did not affect the aging behaviors under normal condition. However, kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) significantly increased the longevity of wild-type C. elegans under juglone-induced oxidative and thermal stresses. Furthermore, results revealed that kaempferol-6-C-glucoside (17) enhanced the translocations of the transcription factors DAF-16 (dauer formation-16) and SKN-1 (skinhead-1), thereby up-regulating the downstream gene expression of stress response proteins SOD-3 (superoxide dismutase-3) and GST-4 (glutathione S-transferase-4), respectively, to enhance the stress resistance in C. elegans. The study demonstrated the essential oils and extracts of Z. serrata exhibited in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activities, and has potential to be used as a source for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. These findings suggest that the extractives from Z. serrata heartwood has potential to be used as health-care food or drug for antioxidant or Alzheimer’s disease treatment.


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