  • 學位論文


Word-of-Mouth Effect between Physical Attractiveness of Popular Fashion Bloggers, Post Content and CVPA of Consumers--- The Case of Facebook Fan Pages

指導教授 : 練乃華


當今不論是企業組織或是個人,都想利用社群媒體作為與一般大眾溝通的橋樑,像是Facebook的粉絲專頁即廣為人使用,利用名人的口碑效果來影響消費者的購買決策。其主要來源包含訊息來源者、訊息本身、訊息接受者,但現有的研究大多只探討其中一個變數。故本研究以此角度切入,分別從三個來源各取一個變數討論:時尚名人外表吸引力、訊息內容形態及消費者視覺美感中心性,希望能補足現有文獻尚未檢視的部分,並應用至實務行銷策略的制定。 本研究以2 X 2 X 2的實驗設計,並以時尚名人外表吸引力、訊息內容形態及消費者視覺美感中心性為自變數,產品態度與購買意願為依變數。有效樣本共312份,以MANOVA進行檢定。 研究結果發現:在流行服飾產業之下,1. 時尚名人外表吸引力的高低對於廣告效果沒有顯著的影響。2. 訊息內容是敘述型或評價型對於廣告效果沒有顯著的影響。3. CVPA高的消費者相較低者有較佳的廣告效果。4. 外表吸引力高的時尚名人搭配評價型訊息、外表吸引力中度的時尚名人搭配敘述型訊息能有較佳的廣告效果。5. 消費者的視覺美感中心性與訊息內容型態的交互作用對於廣告效果沒有顯著的影響。6. 外表吸引力高的時尚名人對於CVPA低的消費者、外表吸引力中度的時尚名人對於CVPA高的消費者能有較佳的廣告效果。


Nowadays, social media are gaining vast amount of attention in the context of public relation management by both organizations and individuals. This phenomenon is evident with numerous successful examples in practice. One of them is the well-known Facebook Fan Page, using the word-of-mouth effect by celebrities or popular bloggers to affect consumers’ purchasing decision. While there are different factors that drive the effect, including source, message and receiver, most existing studies focus their analyses on only one of the three factors. In light of that, this research establishes an angle that takes all three of the factors under consideration. And in each factor, one variable is picked up for the analysis, including the physical attractiveness of the fashion bloggers, the content of post and the centrality of visual product aesthetics (CVPA) of consumer. Hopefully, this research could compensate for the missing part of existing literature, and are applicable to the development of marketing strategy in practice. This study is a 2 X 2 X 2 experimental design, using physical attractiveness of popular fashion blogger, the content of post and CVPA of consumer as independent variables; product attitude and purchase intension as dependent variables. The following results are found in the context of fashion apparel industry by this research: 1. Physical attractiveness of popular fashion blogger does not significantly affect the advertising effect. 2. Whether content of post is in narrative or evaluation style, does not significantly affect the advertising effect. 3. Consumers with higher CVPA receive greater advertising effect. 4. Better advertising effect is found in the combination of high bloggers’ physical attractiveness with narrative style posts; and moderate bloggers’ physical attractiveness with evaluation style posts. 5. The interaction between CVPA of consumer and the content of posts does not significantly affect the advertising effect. 6. Better advertising effect is found in the combination of high bloggers’ physical attractiveness with low CVPA consumers; and moderate bloggers’ physical attractiveness with high CVPA consumers.


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