  • 學位論文


Identification and characterization of novel 2-hydroxyglutarate target proteins involve in glioma formation and progression

指導教授 : 郭明良


Gliomas (神經膠質瘤) 為常見的原發性腦瘤,常使用的分類方法有藉由不同的細胞特性分為星細胞瘤、 寡樹突膠質瘤及室管膜瘤,或是用組織病理程度將神經膠質瘤分為一到四級以區分惡性和良性程度,良性腦瘤有分化良好、生長緩慢, 能治癒或不易復發的特性,而惡性腦瘤生長快速且治癒率低。目前對於腦神經膠質瘤的治療仍以手術為主,並輔以放射線治療及化療藥物,如: temozolomide (TMZ,帝盟多膠囊)。研究發現,神經膠質瘤中的某些基因突變 (mutation)或變異 (alteration)會影響腫瘤的發展過程進而影響到病人的復原情形;其中,Isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDH,異檸檬酸脫氫酶)為檸檬酸循環中催化isocitrate (異檸檬酸)進行氧化脫羧反應成為α-ketoglutarate (α-KG,α-酮戊二酸),並產生NADPH的酵素,已知IDH1最常見的突變為IDH1 R132H,會改變IDH1原本的催化反應,轉而將α-KG轉化為2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG,2-羥基戊二酸),且在某些分類的神經膠質瘤中有高於50%的突變機率。在近年來的研究中發現2-HG具有使細胞趨於癌化的能力,被視為oncometabolite (癌代謝物),目前已知會對α-KG相關的酵素進行競爭型抑制,影響α-KG相關酵素 (組蛋白去甲基酶)的活性進而影響組蛋白的甲基化,進而影響相關的基因表現及表觀遺傳 (epigenetic regulation)相關調控;但對於2-HG在細胞及癌症中是否有其他功能,以及其所扮演的角色和機制目前尚未完全了解。在我們的研究中,首先利用串聯親合疏水層析法 (AETHIC)篩選小鼠腦組織細胞內2-HG可能的標的蛋白,進一步去探討2-HG在小鼠腦癌的發生及進展中扮演的角色。在經過西方點墨法及和腫瘤發展相關的細胞實驗確認後我們發現Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT-3) 蛋白量會隨著2-HG的產生而明顯減少,加上過去研究顯示STAT-3的表現量和腦神經膠質瘤的預後有極密切的關係,我們選定STAT-3作為研究2-HG的標的蛋白,並進一步以胞外實驗證實2-HG和STAT-3 之間為直接的影響關係。臨床資料顯示在表現IDH1突變基因的病人中,其預後會顯著優於表現正常IDH1基因的病人,且在表現突變IDH1基因的病人中,STAT-3的下游基因會有明顯降低的情形。綜合以上,IDH1透過突變後提升2-HG表現量,並透過降低STAT-3蛋白質表現量及下游訊息傳遞來影響神經膠質瘤的發展過程及病人的預後。


Glioma are tumors that often arise from glial cells and mostly start in the brain. It can be classified by the specific cell types including astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas or by histopathological and clinical criteria from WHO grade I to grade IV gliomas. Low-grade gliomas tended to exhibit benign tendencies and portend a better prognosis for the patients while high grade gliomas are mostly malignant and cause worse prognosis. The current treatment is combination of the radiation therapy and oral administration of chemotherapy drug temozolomide (TMZ). It has been reported that several gene mutations can influence glioma progression. Among them, isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDH) mutation lost the normal function of α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) production and convert to 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG) and was reported to prolong the gliomas survival rate. The neo-enzyme 2HG is regarded as an oncometabolite through the inhibition of α-KG dependent enzymes and induction of cell transformation in tumor initiation. However, the role of D-2HG in tumor progression is still controversial and need to be further investigated. In our study, we presented the novel target proteins of 2-HG by using AETHIC, which can dissect the interaction of small molecules and proteins. We identified Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT-3) as the target protein by screening the functional outcomes and protein changes in the overexpressed mutant IDH1 glioma cells. Furthermore, we used the in vitro binding assay to investigate the interaction between STAT-3 and 2-HG, the results confirmed that 2-HG can directly bind to STAT-3. Clinically, the survival rate and the expression level of STAT-3 downstream target genes also validated the importance of 2-HG affects prognosis through STAT-3. We hope to provide a new point of view on the better therapeutic target of glioma patients.


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