  • 學位論文

行政院東部聯合服務中心之研究,2007-2013: 地方治理跨域合作的觀點

A Study on Eastern Taiwan Joint Service Center, Executive Yuan from 2007 to 2013: Perspectives on Local Governance and Cross-Boundary Cooperation

指導教授 : 蕭全政


摘要 行政院聯合服務中心(又稱區域聯合服務中心)係中華民國行政院在全國各地所設立的業務服務機關,各聯合服務中心設立之主要目的,係整合各項中央機關所提供之服務,成立單一窗口加強服務台灣南部、中部、東部及雲嘉南地區民眾的洽公需要;而中心定位則以「服務」和「協調」為宗旨,各事項涉及決策的部份仍需按照法定行政程序,由各主管機關或提報行政院決定。 就像其他各地的行政院聯合服務中心一樣,東服中心的成立被認為是要在花東地區發揮地方治理的跨域合作功能,即要強化中央政府與花蓮縣和台東縣之間的相互合作關係。然而,從實存上看,各地的行政院聯合服務中心,包括東服中心,卻經常都被認為是充滿政治性的考量。 這種政治考量的規劃是為了落敗的候選人找一個暫時的位置,期待下次東山再起,或是讓該政務官深耕基層,又或有其他考量,為本研究討論重點之一。另方面,東服中心的跨域性治理與合作,涉及花蓮縣和台東縣及其以下地方行政層級之間的治理與合作關係,更涉及兩個縣和其以上的行政院各部會之間的治理與合作關係。這些跨域性的治理與合作關係,將明顯的反映在東服中心的組織結構,如聯合服務的任務編組單位,或合署辦公的單位;也將反映在資源的取得與分配上。 過去政府之施政,往往以個別的行政區為單位,很少以「區域」作為管理對象,但由於全球化之發展、精省的實施,政府之組織再造之影響,許多政策之推行無法再藉由過去單一行政區域的方式來處理,而是透過政府業務的跨行政區域方式來達成;這樣的轉變,也使得跨域治理等相關議題更形重要。 本研究藉由對東服中心之形成、運作與變遷,從歷史政經脈絡、政策功能及組織結構等進行分析探討,藉此對跨域治理之經驗和人力配置有更充分的了解。


The Joint Services Centers (also named as the Local Joint Services Centers, LJSC) are the service institutes established by Executive Yuan, R.O.C.. They are mainly aimed to integrate all the affairs offered by the central government and to set up a unified window in order to provide the better public services for the people from Southern, Central and Eastern Taiwan, and Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Area. Because they function as a role of “coordination” and “services,” whatever is involved with the decisions must still be made by the authorities or submitted to Executive Yuan, according to the legal executive procedures. Like the other Joint Services Centers, Eastern Taiwan Joint Services Center (ETJSC) is to develop the cross-boundary function of local governance in Haulien-Taitung Area, i.e. to strengthen the cooperation between the central government, Haulien County and Taitung County. However, all the Joint Services Centers, including ETJSC, are often viewed with the political considerations. It is one of the main points of this study whether this kind of considerations are to provide a temporary position for the politicians who fail in the elections and expect to stage a comeback, to let the political officials serve the grass roots, or to fulfill the other purposes. Furthermore, cross-boundary governance and cooperation of ETJSC is not only involved with that of Haulien County, Taitung County and their subordinate executive institutes, but also that of Haulien County, Taitung County and their superior authorities of Executive Yuan. This situation will be apparently reflected in the organization and structure of ETJSC, such as the assignment unit and the joint working unit, and the acquirement and distribution of the resources. Our government used to perform the public affairs in the form of individual executive district, not the locality. Nevertheless, many policies cannot be carried out in the form of the uniteral executive district, but achieved in the cross-district way. This kind of transformation makes the relevant issues of cross-boundary governance more important. This study will help us understand the experiecese of cross-boundary governance and manpower allocation more by analyzing and exploring the formation, operation, and change of ETJSC from the perspectives of historically political and economic context, policy function, and organizational structure.


