  • 學位論文


BIM-based Integration of Carbon Dioxide Emission and Cost Effectiveness for Buildings in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


全球二氧化碳濃度日漸升高,聯合國會員國紛紛訂定各國的減碳標準,而我國雖非聯合國的一員,對於地球環境改善仍有責任,故在2008年通過「永續能源政策綱領」,明確揭示我國二氧化碳減量目標與期程,台灣二氧化碳排放量比例中建築產業約佔27.22%,故建築產業減碳措施勢在必行。 業主們為響應政府的減碳政策,在設計階段勢必將減碳建材納入考量,但使用減碳建材必將提高成本,且減碳效果無法立即得知,因此,在考慮成本及減碳效果之下,本研究運用BIM(Building Information Modeling)物件導向的特性,結合能耗軟體eQUEST及財務試算軟體Excel,計算各建材組合之建築物部份生命週期碳排放量及部份生命週期成本,並依據各國碳稅課徵與否,使用妥協規劃法及淨現值法求出最適化解,使業主可選擇出建築物最適化減碳建材及得知其減碳效益。經實際案例驗證後誤差率小於5%,因此證明本研究之研究成果,在操作限制範圍內執行是具有參考價值。隨著減碳建材性能不斷進步,未來研究方向則可朝向蒐集並以資訊化方式建立龐大建材資料庫,以在未來找出更適合的建材組合。


With industry development, global carbon emission has increased rapidly. Countries around the world have launched environmental policies related to carbon dioxide reduction. In Taiwan, the government proposed "Sustainable Energy Policy" in 2008, which clearly revealed the targets for CO¬2 reduction and milestones. Taiwan’s construction industry accounts for nearly 27.22% of total carbon dioxide emission, it’s necessary to improve and reduce the carbon emission in construction industry. In order to respond to the governmental policies, project owners will have to consider using carbon reduction materials from building’s designing stage. However, carbon reduction materials usually cost more, and the performance of how much carbon reduction can be achieved is hard to immediately evaluate, either. This study integrates energy simulation software (eQUEST) and Excel as financial software to calculate the life cycle cost and CO2 emission of construction materials, and based on carbon tax charged by different countries, the study adopts compromise decision and net present value (NPV) method to find to the best material with better carbon reduction performance and lower cost. Case study verifies it’s within 5% margin of error. In future, with more carbon reduction materials being developed and used, the integration can work with more construction materials and create in a database to facilitate the evaluation process of carbon emission.


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