  • 學位論文


Prognosis of Intractable Epilepsy after Anterior Temporal Lobectomy with Stochastic Processes

指導教授 : 陳秀熙


背景:難治型癲癇病患的預後狀況與癲癇發作的頻率及狀態停留長度有高度相關,而過去研究並未將這兩個因素同時納入考量。施氏分類(Shih classification)是一種新穎的癲癇預後分類方式,用以描述難治型癲癇病患接受前顳葉切除手術(ATL)治療後的復發情形,但其影響因子尚未被詳細探討,需要利用適當的統計方法描述癲癇復發的動態變化並分析個體復發易感性。 目的: (1) 收集術後五年的長期追蹤資料,以施氏分類評估其危險因子,確認癲癇緩解、復發的預後因子。 (2) 提出結合高階馬可夫鏈模型及移動-停留模型,模式化難治型癲癇病患復發的動態變化。 (3) 應用半馬可夫鏈模型描述術後病患在特定階段停留長度與復發頻率。 方法:收集1987到2002年間共280位接受前顳葉切除手術的難治型癲癇病患,追蹤手術後五年內癲癇發作資料。所有病患依Shih分類分成四種型態,從輕微到嚴重的狀態依次為:無發作(inactive)、延遲發作( delayed)、間歇性發作(intermittent)和密集發作(intensive)等。另將施氏分類視為具順序關係,將結果視為序位資料,使用等比勝算羅吉斯迴歸模型(proportional odds logistic regression model)以計算不同的類別間的勝算比。在動態模型建立上,利用每月發作頻率將病患術後狀態分成:正常、輕微及嚴重三種階段,本研究提出以三階段為基礎的一階馬可夫模型、高階馬可夫模型及移動-停留模型建立術後癲癇發作的動態模型,並發展半馬可夫模型解決停留時間分佈及嵌入式轉移機率的估計。 結果:將術後結果依施氏分類視為序位資料時,其等比勝算假設經檢定成立(P=0.75)。以等比勝算模型分析的結果顯示主要癲癇型態為其它(others)相較於複雜性局部發作(complex partial seizure with generalized seizure)的調整勝算比是3.18倍(95%信賴區間: 1.22-8.30)。有新生兒期傷害的調整勝算比是無新生兒期傷害的7.06倍(95%信賴區間: 2.25-22.19),有內側顳葉硬化者可以降低50% (95%信賴區間: 0.31-0.83)的風險。在使用藥物種類的預後因子上,每增加一種藥物會使得勝算比上升1.79倍(95%信賴區間: 1.27- 2.52),以上皆具有統計上的顯著意義。 一階馬可夫鏈模型結果顯示,其平穩分佈(stationary distribution)最終停留於正常、輕微及嚴重階段則分別為89%、7%及4%。移動-停留模型較一階及高階馬可夫鏈模型在處理異質性(heterogeneity)有更好的表現。應用於280名病患的長期追蹤資料分析得到62%屬於停留者;在38%為移動者的部分,89%的人能復原至良好階段,7%處於輕微階段,4%停在嚴重階段。在半馬可夫模型部分發現從良好的階段移動至較嚴重階段的危險性會隨著時間而下降;反之,若不停留在較嚴重階段其危險性會隨著時間而增加。良好、輕微及嚴重階段停留時間的中位數估計值分別為10.59個月、1.34個月及 1.74個月。 就預後因子而言,新生兒期傷害是使病患由良好階段發展至嚴重階段的病程加速因子,也是由嚴重階段回復至良好階段的減速因子。在主要癲癇型態、使用藥物種類都有類似的發現。另外,內側顳葉硬化是疾病發展至嚴重階段的減速因子,同時也是回復至良好階段的加速因子。 結論:本論文先利用傳統的羅吉斯迴歸模式確定主要癲癇型態、新生兒期傷害、內側顳葉硬化及術前使用藥物種類數量於接受前顳葉切除手術後癲癇發作的預後扮演著重要的角色。本研究發現移動-停留模型適合描述每月癲癇發作的動態變化,以半馬可夫模式計算出在正常階段的最長平均滯留期(longest mean sojourn time)。以隨機過程模式確定的三個危險因子:新生兒期傷害、主要癲癇型態及術前使用藥物種類數量是由正常到嚴重狀態的加速因子;另一方面,內側顳葉硬化是由正常到嚴重狀態的減速因子,由嚴重回復至正常狀態的加速因子。


Background The prognosis of seizure recurrence for intractable epileptic patients after anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) is highly dependent on the frequencies and the duration of seizure, which have been never considered concomitantly. A novel classification using the Shih classification has been proposed recently to describe the severity of seizure recurrence after ATL for patients suffering from intractable epilepsy. However, it is still unclear of which prognostic factors are associated with the severity of seizure using the Shih classification. It is also lacking of statistical methods proposed to model dynamic changes of seizure recurrence. Aims The objectives of this thesis are (1) to identify prognostic factors of seizure remission and recurrence postoperatively, and to evaluate risk factors by using the Shih classification based on at least five-year follow-up. (2) to propose a combined model of higher-order and mover-stayer Markov model to elucidate the dynamic change of the state of attack of intractable epileptic patients. (3) to apply the semi-Markov model to characterize the duration and the frequencies of attack of intractable epileptic patients. Methods Data on 5-year longitudinal follow-up cohort for seizure after ATL from 280 patients between 1987 and 2002 were collected. All patients were categorized into the four Shih types (inactive, delayed, intermittent and intensive), reflecting the severity of seizure from mild state to severe state. Proportional odds logistic regression model was used to calculate the odds ratio (OR) of being different seizure types when the four Shih seizure types were treated as an ordinal property. Defined by the frequencies of monthly episodes, three states are classified, including normal, mild, and severe states. We proposed the three-state-based first-order and high-order Markov model and the mover-stayer model to study the dynamic changes of monthly episodes of seizure and also developed the semi-Markov model to elucidate the sojourn time distributions and the embed transition probabilities. Results The ordinal data property on the severity of seizure based on the Shih classification has been proven by testing the proportional odds assumption (P=0.75). The results show that main seizure type other than complex partial seizure (CPS) (aOR=3.18, 95% CI: 1.22-8.30), perinatal insult (aOR=7.06, 95% CI: 2.25-22.19), the presence of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) (aOR=0.50, 95% CI: 0.31-0.83), and multiple medications (aOR=1.79, 95% CI=1.27-2.52) were statistically significant. The results of the first-order Markov chain model shows that the stationary distribution was reached with 89% in the normal state, 7% in the mild state, and 4% in the severe state. Though the mover-stayer model behaved better than the first- and high-order Markov model in dealing with the heterogeneity. The mover-stayer model yielded 62% stayer. Of 38% movers, 89% staying in free of seizure, 7% in the mild state, and 4% in the severe state after long-term follow-up. With the semi-Markov model, we found the risk of leaving for other more severe states for those staying at state 1 decreased with time. In contrast, the risk of not staying at State 2 and State 3 increased with time. The median times of staying in State 1, 2, and 3 were estimates 10.59, 1.34, and 1.74 months, respectively. Perinatal insult was an accelerated factor for the progressive movements from normal to severe state but also a decelerated factor for regressive movements from severe to normal state. Similar findings were noted for main seizure type and sum of medication. On the other hand, MTS was found as a decelerated factor for the progressive movement but an accelerated factor for the regressive returns. Conclusion Beginning with a conventional logistical regression, we found main seizure type, perinatal insult, the presence of mesial temporal sclerosis, and pre-surgical multiple medications played an important role in the prognosis of attack after ATL. The mover-stayer model is feasible for describing the dynamic change of monthly episodes of seizure. The semi-Markov model suggested the longest mean sojourn time in seizure-free state. Perinatal insult, other seizure types, and sum of medication were accelerated factors for the progressive movements from normal to severe state but also a decelerated factor for regressive movements from severe to normal state by using the stochastic process. On the other hand, MTS was found as a decelerated factor for the progressive movement but an accelerated factor for the regressive returns.


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