  • 學位論文


Firefly-resources Investigations and Monitoring of the Black-winged Firefly (Luciola cerata Olivier) in Xitou Area

指導教授 : 楊平世


溪頭營林區位於台灣南投鹿谷鄉,屬臺大實驗林營林區,自改制成溪頭自然教育園區後,吸引大量遊客前來,成為中臺灣著名旅遊及自然教育勝地之一。隨著生態旅遊與賞螢活動發展興盛,配合南投縣政府將其規劃成一賞螢區,每年春季吸引許多遊客前來賞螢,往昔溪頭地區研究多著重於林木及植物相,動物相、螢火蟲等相關資料則較缺乏。為了有效利用溪頭螢火蟲資源,並與生態旅遊結合,溪頭地區螢火蟲相資源調查實有迫切需要。為建立螢火蟲基本生物學資料,本研究以掃網法、固定式陷阱 (飛行攔截板、三用馬式網)、穿越線調查、標記再捕方式,對溪頭地區之螢火蟲相做完整之定性定量調查。由 2011 年 1 月至 2012 年 4 月,將溪頭地區劃分為六樣區:針葉樹標本園 (CSP)、通量塔 (CFT)、鳳凰林道 (MFR)、大學池 (UPO)、大學坑 (UPI)、商店街 (SS),共採得 11 屬 29 種 1,797 隻螢火蟲;其中包含多種新記錄種:蓬萊短角窗螢 (Diaphanes formosus Olivier)、紅弩螢(Drilaster purpureicollis Pic)、赤翅雙櫛角螢 (Cyphonocerus sangunineus Pic) 及 3 種弩螢屬之未定種(Drilaste r sp.)、1 種雙櫛角螢屬未定種(Cyphonocerus sp.),但如包括前人研究,則溪頭之螢火蟲共有 33 種。螢火蟲種類數最多之樣區為鳳凰林道,最少則是大學池及通量塔樣區。溪頭地區螢火蟲多集中於 4 - 7 月和 10 - 12 月出現;優勢螢種為黑翅螢 (Luciola cerata Olivier) 及鋸角雪螢 (Diaphanes lampyroides);賞螢熱點則為針葉樹標本園樣區及大學坑樣區。本研究成果可應用於維護溪頭地區遊客賞螢品質及螢火蟲生物資源永續利用,包含螢火蟲生態科普教育、減少人為干擾;本研究也提出全年性溪頭賞螢深度旅遊地點規劃,此可分散遊憩壓力。


Xitou nature education center is one of the NTU experimental forests in Nantou County, and also a famous recreation area in central Taiwan. In every April, the firefly-watching is the main event of fireflies’ ecotourism in every April in Xitou area. However, the biological censuses in Xitou area are limited to flora and fauna except fireflies. In this investigation, qualitative and quantitative surveys, including sweeping net, trap collection (flight interception trap and SLAM trap), transect sampling and marking-release-recapture method were conducted for realizing the community components and seasonal dynamics of fireflies in Xitou area. From January 2011 to April 2012, six sampling sites were selected:Conifer Specimen Park (CSP)、CO2 Flux Tower (CFT)、University Pond (UPO), University Pit (UPI), Mt. Fenghuang Ridge (MFR), and Store Street (SS). 1.797 fireflies of 11 genera and 29 species were collected, including several new recorded species:, Cyphonocerus sangunineus Pic, Diaphanes formosus Olivier, Drilaster purpureicollis Pic, Drilaster sp.1, Drilaster sp.2, Cyphonocerus sp., Drilaster sp.3. The species numbers of Lampyridae were 33 in Xitou area. Site MFR had the most fireflies’ species, where as Sites UPO and CFT had fewest. In Xitou area, the most abundance of fireflies occur from April to July and from October to December. The dominant species are Luciola cerata Olivier in spring and Diaphanes lampyroides Olivier in winter, and the suitable fireflies observation sites are at site CSP and UPI. This investigation could be used for maintaining quality of firefly watching and conserving firefly resource. An integrated management strategy, including science education, reducing human interference and suggestion for firefly watching are mentioned.


何健鎔、姜碧惠、楊平世。2006。飼養黃緣螢 (Luciola ficta) (鞘翅目: 螢科) 之新方法。台灣昆蟲 26: 77-85。


