  • 學位論文


Digital Signage Applications for Museum Exhibition Management —Experiential Marketing Perspective

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


近年來,由於平面顯示器技術的成熟,使得面板價格漸趨於平價,連動帶起具有龐大商機的數位看板市場,舉凡在捷運站、機場、百貨公司、博物館等場所,都很容易發現有數位看板的應用。而國內許多博物館,也已將數位看板應用在協助參觀導覽以及展覽品解說方面,使得原本只是靜態文物的展示,透過數位看板豐富的多媒體呈現效果,變得更加生動有趣。此外,近期「體驗行銷」之概念被企業廣泛的應用,強調塑造出一個讓消費者難忘的情境,為顧客創造不同的體驗型式。國內也有不少學者針對博物館內體驗行銷之策略進行探討,然而,結合數位看板與體驗行銷於博物館中應用的文獻卻鮮少,因此引起本論文之研究動機。 本研究根據Schmitt(1999)所提出的體驗行銷模型為理論概念基礎,以數位 看板所塑造的參觀情境為體驗媒介,探討此媒介對參觀滿意度與忠誠度之影響,並試圖了解參觀者所認為重要的數位看板智慧化功能。本研究使用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling)對整體模式進行分析及假設檢定。實證結果如下: 1.互動數位看板的科技性對參觀體驗有正向影響。 2.參觀體驗對滿意度存在正向影響。 3.參觀體驗對忠誠度存在正向影響。 4.參觀者對數位看板智慧化功能具有正向的需求。 最後,再以實證研究結果對博物館提出適當的建議以及後續之研究方向。


Recently, the declining of flat panel prices has created a potential market for digital signage applications. Many businesses have started to adopt the digital application in their own business operations such as MRT stations, airport terminal, department stores and museums. For example, many museums in Taiwan have used digital signage to assist people in viewing and explaining the exhibits deatils. Such hoslistic and dynamic exhibiting displays have made them appealing to visitors due to the information richness of digital signage supplied. The concept of “Experiential Marketing” has been well regarded in consumer behavior related studies recently. It focuses on molding an unforgettable situation and providing memorable experiences for consumers in the process of transition. Under the experiential marketing framework, this study aims at examining how the technology characteristics affect the consumers’ satisfaction and loyalty. In particular, the mediating effects of experiential marketing in the process of affecting consumer’s satisfaction and loyalty. The national science and industrial museum is chosen as our survey site. Empirical data were collected and tested. Important research results are as follows: 1.The interactiveness feature of technology has a positive relationship on consumers’ viewing experience. 2.Consumers’ viewing experience has a positive relationship on consumers’ satisfaction. 3.Consumers’ viewing experience has a positive relationship on consumers’ loyalty. 4.The muti-language features of digital signage are perceived with highest value among the features digital signage provided. Finally, the suggestions would be provided for the museums and the further researchers.


