  • 學位論文

「發展型國家」已是遙遠的過去? 以經歷政權轉移的台灣為例(1996~2004)

Has the Developmental State become a distant past? Taiwan underwent power rotation (1996~2004)

指導教授 : 朱雲漢


在90年代初期以前,台灣被目為典型的發展型國家,政府強勢介入主導民間經濟活動,並有效促成集體資本積累。然而,隨著國內外政治經濟環境的變動與調整,民主化、全球化以及中國因素三大結構面向的深化與作用,在1996年之後的國民黨執政晚期即逐漸產生足以挑戰發展型國家典範的顯著轉變;但真正結構的鉅變則發生在2000年以後,其間經歷了台灣史上第一次的政權轉移經驗。因此從1996至2004年,三大連續性因素在其中加以貫穿並發揮持續性的影響力;而首次政黨輪替所意味的國家機器核心權力空前轉移、政府部門決策者的全然抽換,則更根本讓所謂的「發展型國家」有了重新加以定義與檢視的必要與機會。 本研究就是在這樣的基礎上,從政商關係的兩大面向-尋租與發展-呈現民進黨執政四年內國家與企業在利益分配以及發展決策上的互動關係,探討國家對於資本財團需求、總體經濟與產業政策上所展現出的意志,以及在客觀情勢下看待民間企業以及發展目標的邏輯思維。最後則導出「後發展型國家」業已來臨的結論。一旦原先被視為發展型國家的經濟體逐漸成熟,國內政治走向民主鞏固的階段,資本集團的結構性權力漸次彰顯之後,國家的決策則會開始在長短期利益之間做出妥協,對於民間經濟事務干預的手段與範圍也必須加以節制與縮小;不過雖然國家主動卻又被動漸漸往市場及企業利益靠攏,但在台灣的例子中,卻絕非已經到了可以犧牲本身在國際中政治經濟的根本生存與發展作為代價,而仍然有對國家有效干預與扶植經濟活動的強大需求。


Before the early 90’s, Taiwan was conceived as one of the typical “developmental states.” The government had dominant power over economic activities in the private sector, which has resulted in efficient capital accumulation. However, as the local and also global political and economic environment have been changing, democratization, globalization and the China factor altogether have brought significant transformation that challenged the paradigm of the developmental state after 1996, during the last reigning period of KMT. But still, the most dramatic change was indeed happened after 2000, when the first power rotation took place in the history of Taiwan. Therefore, the three factors have had continuous influence from 1996 to 2004. The first party turnover, which represents the unprecedented transfer of the core power in the state apparatus and the replacement of political decision maker, has provided the necessity and opportunity to redefine and reexamine the so-called “developmental state”. Based on the previous concept, this research would present the interactive relationship between the state and the business in the distribution of interests and the developmental policy within the first four years of DPP reign, from the two major dimensions of state-business relationship, rent-seeking and developmental coalition. It would also discuss how much and what kind the will and the logic the state presented when the government handles the needs for the capital, the macroeconomics and industrial policies. Its conclusion rests upon the rising of “the post-developmental state”. Once the economic entity of the developmental state has gradually matured, the politics has been forwarded to the stage of democratic consolidation, and the structural power of the capital has been strengthened, the political decision making have to compromise between long-term and short-term interests, and at the same time hold back and narrow control the means and extent of the state intervention. However, even though the state has submitted to the interests of the business in some ways, in the case of Taiwan, it never sacrificed its existence and development in the international political and economic environment. The state would still expect to intervene economic activities effectively and efficiently.


卡帕羅索、李邁(Caporaso, James A.&Levine, David P.)
大前研一(Kenichi Ohmae)


