  • 學位論文


Using Theory of Planned Behavior to explore factors of influential the intention of Psysical Activity Behavior for employees in Marshallese Hospital

指導教授 : 張睿詒


本研究主要是以計畫行為理論(The Theory of Planned Behavior)為基礎(Schifter & Ajzen, 1985),探討馬紹爾群島共和國醫院員工對於休閒時間參與運動行為的各潛在變項影響程度及意向之預測。研究對象以馬國兩家醫院員工為母群體,以結構式問卷方式進行資料收集,共發出300份問卷,回收278份有效問卷,男性107人,女性165人,遺漏值6人,平均年齡41歲,將所得資料以探索性因素分析先建立初步模式,再進行模式的驗證與分析。經描述性統計、驗證性因素分析、結構方程模式進行資料的處理,結果發現:1.態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對馬國醫院員工運動意向呈顯著相關。態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制對運動意向皆具有預測力。2.行為結果信念與行為態度呈顯著相關。3.規範信念、遵從動機與主觀規範呈顯著相關。4.自覺能力與知覺行為控制呈顯著相關,惟控制信念與知覺行為控制之間無顯著相關性。 結論:態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制三者對馬國醫院員工從事規律運動意向之解釋力為43.6%,以知覺行為控制和規律運動意向的相關性最高.57,(P=<.05),其次為主觀規範和規律運動意向的相關性.24,(P=<.05),態度和規律運動意向的相關性為.12,(P=<.05),三者皆達顯著水準。建議衛生部及馬國醫院應以提升醫院員工知覺行為控制能力為重點、納入重要他人意見、排除可能之阻礙因子、強化員工自信心及對規律運動正確認知態度等層面來擬訂健康行為促進策略。如,提供參與誘因及方便的運動場所,定期舉辦員工健康促進活動,鼓勵員工及其家人與朋友一起參加,建立員工對運動參與的正面評價,減少負向信念認知,使員工瞭解運動所帶來的效益,藉此提升馬國醫院員工實際從事規律運動參與之意向與行為,最終達到改善馬國醫院員工因體重過重、肥胖所致之糖尿病等慢性病帶來的殘疾及醫療支出等負面影響。


Based on Azjen’s The Theory of Planned Behavior published in 1985, this study explored the potential variables and predictions of intention of hospital staff from the Republic of the Marshall Islands to exercise during leisure time. The target population for this study included employees from two Marshall Island hospitals, who were surveyed for data collection. From a total of 300 surveys distributed, 278 surveys were returned, in which 107 were completed by men, and 165 were completed by women. The average age of the participant was 41 years. From the data collected, a preliminary factor analysis method was established, followed by validation and analysis of this method. From descriptive statistics, confirmatory analysis, and structural equation modeling for data processing, the following results were found: 1. Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls for Marshall Island hospital employees’ exercise intentions were explained with a variance of 43.6%,these three main variables all attained a significant correlation with regular exercise’s intention . While attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral controls all had the ability to predict exercise intentions, perceived behavioral controls were the most influential factor, followed by subjective norms, and finally attitudes 2. Behavioral results beliefs had the positive correlation with behavioral attitudes.3.rmative beliefs, compliance motives, had the positive correlation with subjective norms.4.perceived ability had the positive correlation with perceived behavioral controls. But control beliefs had no correlation toward perceived behavioral controls The results suggest that the variables mentioned in The Theory of Planned Behavior significantly influenced the exercise behavior of Marshall Island hospital employees. From the results, attitudes, support of significantly others, and perceived behavioral control and willing to participate were proposed to promote the facilitation of behavior strategies, and enhance the level of exercise participation. In addition, the health department and hospitals were advised to provide a variety of physical activities, and raise the quality and accessibility of exercise facilities. The results also suggest that the Marshall Island health department hire professional trainers, encourage hospital staff to increase their physical activity, and strengthen employees to recognize the benefits of exercise.


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