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  • OpenAccess






The key application technology of blockchain is to use decentralized public consensus to get rid of the central or "permissioned" trusted authority; however, the current financial industry is still immature in the application of blockchain, including the need to integrate The digitization of paper work and the uploading of huge bank data to the cloud are the pain points of the current bank application of blockchain. As a result of the immaturity of blockchain in the application of finance in the financial industry, this study will analyze Forbes 50 major blockchain applications, and through qualitative analysis and discussion through blockchain expert interview the practical application of blockchain in the financial industry is recommended for the feasibility and process, and it comes down to the main application areas today: cross-border payment, logistics tracking, product resume, bill financing and settlement transactions. This paper studies the practical application of blockchain technology in the financial industry, including the development of blockchain alliances in trade financing and supply chain finance planning. By researching today's major trade financing platforms: Marco Polo, We Trade, e Trade Connect and Voltron, we conclude that trade finance provides counterparty matchmaking services for SMEs, and uses private chain technology to record transactions in every transaction, therefore it will not against the issue of transaction privacy. For large enterprises, some platform provides ERP cascading services for multiple banks and enterprise financial services. Through embedded one-stop financial services, it provides enterprise customers with one-stop comparison of various business services and improves the efficiency of business processes. For banks to launch their own blockchain platforms, it is recommended to start from the inter-industry alliance chain, find out the service methods that multiple parties can share through data, and use the data for partner as a starting point to help participants reduce costs, and then use the blockchain data on the platform providing to the subsidiaries of financial holdings for the next business development, thereby increasing the business opportunities of financial holdings.


Blockchain Fintech Trade Finance Marco Polo We Trade E-Trade Connect Voltron


Candy Her,(2019),「中國信託」和 7 家國際銀行的「Voltron 貿易金融區塊鏈」是怎麼運作的?,動區趨勢。中國信託和Voltron 貿易金融區塊鏈運作說明 , (https://www.blocktempo.com/ctbc-r3-voltron-blockchain-letter-of-credit/)。
匯豐銀行在 Hyperledger 的區塊鏈平台「we.trade」完成首筆融資交易,(https://www.blocktempo.com/hsbc-is-first-bank-to-finance-transaction-via-hyperledger-on-wetrade/)。
