  • 期刊


Garre's Osteomyelitis and Radicular Cysts Associated with Deciduous Molars: Review of Literature and Case Report



本病例報告是一個4歲10個月大的男孩,左下臉頰腫脹達三個月。之前相關的牙科治療為左下顎第二乳臼齒根管治療及銀粉填補。依據臨床及放射線學檢查,發現可能是因左下顎第二乳臼齒嚴重齲齒引起之加勒氏骨髓炎(Garre's osteomyelitis);而右下顎第二乳臼齒區則由放射線檢查發現一疑似齒源性囊腫的病灶,並將第二小臼齒牙胚往下推移。在拔除左下顎第二乳臼齒後,左下臉頰腫脹情形改善;右下顎進行囊腫剜出術並拔除第二乳臼齒及第二小臼齒牙胚,術後一年多無再復發現象,病理組織報告證實為根尖囊腫。由於乳臼齒引起之根尖囊腫及加勒氏骨髓炎的病例並不多見,故提出本病例報告,並略作文獻回顧。


A 58-month-old boy has complained of swelling on the left submandibular region for 3 months. Previous related dental treatment included pulpectomy and amalgam restoration of the left mandibular deciduous second molar. Clinical and radiographic examinations suggested the diagnosis of Garre's osteomyelitis of the left submandibular region. The possible etiology seemed to be severe caries of the mandibular second deciduous molar. In addition, a well-defined radiolucency with corticated border around the apex and interradicular areas of the right mandibular deciduous second molar was shown on the panoramic radiograph, which suggested an odontogenic cyst. After extraction of the left mandibular deciduous second molar, the swelling of the left submandibular region was decreased. Cyst enucleation was performed under general anesthesia and the excised specimen was sent for pathologic examination. A diagnosis of radicular cyst was confirmed microscopically. The right mandibular deciduous second molar and permanent tooth germ of the second premolar was also removed at the same time. There was no evidence of recurrence after 18 months of follow-up. Garre's osteomyelitis and radicular cysts associated with deciduous molars are uncommon. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to illustrate a case with Garre's osteomyelitis and a radicular cyst related to the right and left mandibular deciduous second molars, respectively. A brief review of literature was also provided.
