  • 期刊


Impact of Professors' Transformational Leadership on University Students' Employability Development According to Social Cognitive Career Theory




In Taiwan, higher education policies and manpower training have failed to meet the requirements of the rapidly changing society and employer expectations. This causes a substantial gap between university education and employment. On the basis of social cognitive career theory, this study aims to explore the relationships between transformational leadership, self-efficacy, problem-based learning, and student employability in higher education institutions (HEIs). In this study, 619 undergraduates from 12 Taiwanese HEIs were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed significant positive influences of transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and problem-based learning on student employability. Moreover, problem-based learning and self-efficacy are key mediators between transformational leadership and student employability. On the basis of the findings, specific suggestions and managerial implications for HEIs concerning curriculum and instruction planning and areas for future research are provided.


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