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連續配對對外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica(Stainton))交尾次數、壽命和產卵量的影響

Effect of Continuously Paired on Mating Times, Longevity, and Fecundity of the Rice Moth, Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)




In the present paper, Rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton)) larvae were reared on crushed brown rice in a growth chamber at 30 ± 1°C, 70 ± 5% RH, with a 12L:12D photoperiod (The light was turned on at 06:00 and was off at 18:00). The influence of continuously paired on mating times, longevity, and fecundity of C. cephalonica were investigated. The results indicate that mating behavior of this species mostly occurred at younger day-age moth. The greatest mating times obtained 8 for male in the entire life. And 93.7% male moths mated multiple times with different female moths. The greatest mating times obtained 5-6 for female in the entire life. The longevity of female C. cephalonica continuously paired with male changed every day was shorter 1 day than that pairing with fixed same male for entire life. But the mating rate of female was higher when pairing with different male moth. The greater and average mating times of female C. cephalonica continuously paired with different male every day were 1 and 1.3 times more than that pairing with same male. The mating times between 1.16 and 2.36 by female C. cephalonica from 1 to 7 days paired duration. There was a tread that the number of spermatophore increased as the prolongation of the pairing duration. Therefore, it is obvious that the moth of both sexes were capable of mating at least once or more in their entire life. Female and male of this species could mated multiple times in the entire life. Mating behavior will shorten the longevity of female moth, but the longevity of mated female was not affected by number of mating. The average number of egg deposited by the mated once and unmated females were 393.4 and 306.7, respectively. Moth that mated twice or more females deposited significantly more eggs than the mated once females in the laboratory, but mated twice or more of eggs was not significantly different. Thus multiple mating increased the number of egg deposited.
