  • 期刊


Efficacy of Group Art Therapy in Enhancing the Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life of Women Undergoing Breast Cancer Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial


乳癌發生率位居國內女性惡性腫瘤首位,對病人而言,除了生理部分的治療外,其心理衝擊更是值得被關注的部分。藝術治療可提供整體性、全面性的輔助治療。故本研究期望透過團體藝術治療來進一步改善術後乳癌病人之心理健康及生活品質。驗證團體藝術治療對乳癌病人焦慮、憂鬱及生活品質的成效。本研究採隨機對照單盲試驗設計,以方便取樣、簡單隨機分派方式選取符合收案條件且同意參與研究的乳癌病人,將病人由團體中隨機分為實驗組及對照組,團體藝術治療介入時間共計6週、每週1次,1次為2小時。於第一週介入前及第六週結束介入後測量生活品質、憂鬱、焦慮狀況,使用共變數分析來檢視實驗組及對照組在經過介入措施後之前後測及組別之差異比較。本研究共收案36位乳癌病人,其中實驗組20位及對照組16位,於團體藝術治療介入後,實驗組之焦慮及生活品質情形皆獲得改善,達統計上之顯著意義(p值分別為 .016和 .001)。本研究驗證團體藝術治療可顯著減少乳癌病人之焦慮及提升生活品質,健康照護提供者可應用團體藝術治療降低乳癌病人之焦慮及促進其生活品質。


藝術治療 乳癌 生活品質 憂鬱 焦慮


Breast cancer has a higher incidence than any other type of malignant tumor among women in Taiwan. The psychological effects on these patients, in addition to the physiological treatment, warrant more attention. Research has indicated that art therapy provides people with holistic, comprehensive adjuvant therapy; these mutually supportive groups can even promote changes in the body, mind, and spirit of patients with cancer. This study aimed to enhance the mental health and quality of life of patients with postoperative breast cancer through group art therapy and verify the efficacy of group art therapy in achieving these outcomes. This study adopted a randomized controlled trial design and purposive sampling to recruit patients with postoperative breast cancer who met the eligibility requirements and who agreed to participate in the study. The sample was divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention time for group art therapy was 2 hours once per week for a total of 6 weeks. We collected data on participants' depression and anxiety as well as their quality of life before the first week of the intervention and at the end of the sixth week. Analysis of covariance was used to compare the intervention and control groups after members of the intervention period. A total of 36 participants were enrolled in the study; 20 were in the intervention group, and 17 were in the control group. In this study, group art therapy significantly ameliorated anxiety and enhanced quality of life among women who had received breast cancer operations (p = .016, .001), thus verifying its efficacy. More research on group art therapy should be conducted for acquiring empirical data that can be used to alleviate the psychological burden on patients with postoperative breast cancer.


art therapy breast cancer quality of life depression anxiety


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