Springer Nature
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Additional file 3: Table S3. of A multiple genome analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals specific novel genes and mutations associated with pyrazinamide resistance

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-10-11, 05:00 authored by Patricia Sheen, David Requena, Eduardo Gushiken, Robert Gilman, Ricardo Antiparra, Bryan Lucero, Pilar LizĂĄrraga, Basilio Cieza, Elisa Roncal, Louis Grandjean, Arnab Pain, Ruth McNerney, Taane Clark, David Moore, Mirko Zimic
Complete results of the analysis by gene, showing for each gene the number of resistant strains with at least one mutation (M-Res), without mutation (NM-Res) and analogously for the susceptible strains (M-Sus and NM-Sus, respectively). The P-value of the Proportion Test, the Youden Index and Odds Ratio are also included. (DOCX 610 kb)


Wellcome Trust
