Springer Nature
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Additional file 4: Figure S1. of The early immune response to infection of chickens with Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) in susceptible and resistant birds

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-10-09, 05:00 authored by Jacqueline Smith, Jean-Remy Sadeyen, David Cavanagh, Pete Kaiser, David Burt
qRT-PCR analysis of 21 genes differentially expressed during IBV infection. (A). MX1 (B). C1S (C). IRF7 (D). TLR3 (E). CCLi7 (F). DDT (G). SRI (H). CLU (I). COX11 (J). IFNAR2 (K). TNFAIP1 (L). TP-D53 (M). MAP4K4 (N). MAFK (O). CCL13 (P). HSC20 (Q). SUCLG2 (R). MMD2 (S). CD38 (T). FK506-BP51 (U). IGFBP5. Graphs A-E show expression changes during the host response in the susceptible line. Graphs F-R show inherent differences in gene expression between susceptible and resistant control birds, while graphs S-U indicate differential gene expression in susceptible and resistant lines during the host response. (PDF 97 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
