Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of Detection of malaria parasites in dried human blood spots using mid-infrared spectroscopy and logistic regression analysis

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-08, 05:23 authored by Emmanuel Mwanga, Elihaika Minja, Emmanuel Mrimi, Mario JimĂŠnez, Johnson Swai, Said Abbasi, Halfan Ngowo, Doreen Siria, Salum Mapua, Caleb Stica, Marta Maia, Ally Olotu, Maggy Sikulu-Lord, Francesco Baldini, Heather Ferguson, Klaas Wynne, Prashanth Selvaraj, Simon Babayan, Fredros Okumu
Additional file 1. Detection of five Plasmodium species from dried blood spots (DBS) by nested PCR method.


Howard Hughes Medical Institute (US) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
