Supp. Material - Foon, J.K. 2014. Habitat loss and wildlife trade threaten Platymma tweediei.pdf (336.81 kB)

Supplementary Material - Foon, J.K. 2014. Habitat loss and wildlife trade threaten the survival of the montane cloud forest land snail Platymma tweediei in Cameron and Lojing Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia. Tentacle 22: 5-7.

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Version 4 2014-03-28, 02:29
Version 3 2014-03-28, 02:29
Version 2 2014-03-28, 02:27
posted on 2014-03-28, 02:29 authored by Junn Kitt FoonJunn Kitt Foon

Supplementary Materials to the article comprising of detailed methodology and list of websites mentioning trade and captivity of the land snail Platymma tweediei. 
