Springer Nature
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Additional file 9: of Incorporating individual historical controls and aggregate treatment effect estimates into a Bayesian survival trial: a simulation study

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-24, 05:00 authored by Caroline Brard, Lisa Hampson, Nathalie Gaspar, Marie-Cécile Le Deley, Gwénaël Le Teuff
Tables A4-A6. Impact of α0 and ω on the operating characteristics for scenarios S13 to S24. These tables describe the impact of α0 and ω on the operating characteristics for scenarios S13 to S16 (Table A4), when historical and new control arm are commensurate, for scenarios S17 to S20 (Table A5), when there is a negative prior-data conflict, and for scenarios S21 to S24 (Table A6), when there is a positive prior-data conflict. A piecewise exponential distribution with 3 pieces is used to generate and analyse historical and new data, and σ H 2 $$ {\upsigma}_{\mathrm{H}}^2 $$ is equivalent to 329 events. (PDF 483 kb)


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