Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Self-Assembly Stability and Variability of Bacterial Microcompartment Shell Proteins in Response to the Environmental Change

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-02-12, 05:00 authored by Matthew Faulkner, Long-Sheng Zhao, Steve Barrett, Lu-Ning Liu
Table S1. Mean patch sizes and rates of dynamic events under different environmental conditions. Table S2. Numbers of dynamic events (assembly and disassembly) of Hoch_5815 hexamers in shell sheets under HS-AFM. Figure S1. Schematic representation of sample preparation for AFM. Figure S2. AFM topographs of Hoch_5815 patches formed under different pH ranging from 3 to 10. Figure S3. Difference AFM images of Hoch_5815 captured under varying pH. Figure S4. AFM topographs of Hoch_5815 patches captured in buffers with varied concentrations of CaCl2, MgCl2, and KCl. Figure S5. Difference AFM images of Hoch_5815 captured under varying salt concentrations. (DOCX 1036 kb)


Royal Society
