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Additional file 1: of Sociodemographic patterns of health insurance coverage in Namibia

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-22, 05:00 authored by Sophie Allcock, Elizabeth Young, Manjinder Sandhu
Figure S1. Proportion of insured individuals with each type of health insurance, stratified by sex. Number labels correspond to the number of individuals. Figure S2. Type of healthcare provider where inpatient and outpatient care was sought by health insurance coverage | A insured n = 350 uninsured n = 1005; B insured n = 143 uninsured n = 479 | HF: health facility | OP: outreach point | CHW: community health worker. Table S1. Weighted prevalence of health insurance by sociodemographic factors. Table S2. Weighted prevalence of seeking outpatient and inpatient care* by sociodemographic characteristics. Table S3. Clustering of sociodemographic factors within households, EAs and regions (n = 14,443). Table S4. Association between exposures of interest and seeking outpatient care in the four weeks prior to the survey (n = 14,443). Table S5. Association between exposures of interest and inpatient care (n = 14,443). Table S6. Association between sociodemographic factors and health insurance, stratified by sex. Table S7. Association between sociodemographic factors and health insurance, stratified by education level. Table S8. Association between sociodemographic factors and health insurance, stratified by wealth quintile. (DOCX 178 kb)


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    International Journal for Equity in Health


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