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MOESM3 of Development of in vitro enteroids derived from bovine small intestinal crypts

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-03, 05:00 authored by Carly Hamilton, Rachel Young, Siddharth Jayaraman, Anuj Sehgal, Edith Paxton, Sarah Thomson, Frank Katzer, Jayne Hope, Elisabeth Innes, Liam Morrison, Neil Mabbott
Additional file 3. Mean expression profiles of the genes in each of the largest 50 co-expression clusters. Individual mean expression profiles of the genes in each of the largest 50 co-expression clusters derived from the network graph. The x axis shows the samples ordered as follows: C, isolated intestinal crypts; P0, freshly prepared enteroids; P1, passage 1 enteroids, etc. The y axis shows the mean expression intensity (transcripts/million reads, TPM) for the cluster.


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
