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Additional file 1 of Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with lower dementia risk, independent of genetic predisposition: findings from the UK Biobank prospective cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-13, 15:53 authored by Oliver M. Shannon, Janice M. Ranson, Sarah Gregory, Helen Macpherson, Catherine Milte, Marleen Lentjes, Angela Mulligan, Claire McEvoy, Alex Griffiths, Jamie Matu, Tom R. Hill, Ashley Adamson, Mario Siervo, Anne Marie Minihane, Graciela Muniz-Tererra, Craig Ritchie, John C. Mathers, David J. Llewellyn, Emma Stevenson
Additional file 1: Text S1. Dietary assessment and creation of the MedDiet scores. Table S1. Components and scoring of the MEDAS and MEDAS Continuous Mediterranean diet scores. Table S2. Components and scoring of the PYRAMID Mediterranean diet adherence score. Table S3. ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for dementia diagnosis. Figure S1. Participant flowchart. Table S4. Risk of incident dementia according to Mediterranean diet adherence, with analyses restricted to individuals with a minimum of 2 dietary reports. Table S5. Risk of incident dementia according to Mediterranean diet adherence excluding participants with extreme energy intakes. Table S6. Influence of each component of the MEDAS and MEDAS Continuous scores on dementia risk. Table S7. Influence of each component of the PYRAMID score on dementia risk. Table S8. Risk of incident dementia according to Mediterranean diet adherence, excluding participants with less than 2 years and 5 years of follow up. Table S9. Sensitivity analyses adjusting for potential effect mediators (BMI, Depression and stroke). Table S10. Association between MedDiet adherence and risk of dementia in analyses stratified by polygenic risk score tertiles. Table S11. Associations between MedDiet adherence and dementia incidence in APOE ε4 non-carriers and carriers. Table S12. Associations between MedDiet adherence and dementia incidence in analyses where missing data were imputed. Table S13. Risk of incident dementia according to Mediterranean diet adherence restricted to fatal and non-fatal dementia cases. Table S14. Risk of incident dementia according to Mediterranean diet adherence for individuals with higher and lower education levels.


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