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Additional file 1 of Increased interaction between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria following sleep deprivation

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-13, 09:36 authored by Amina Aboufares El Alaoui, Edgar Buhl, Sabrina Galizia, James J. L. Hodge, Luisa de Vivo, Michele Bellesi
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Network analysis predicting protein-protein interaction for ER genes that are upregulated in SD. In this and in all subsequent figures, the network nodes are proteins, while the edges represent the predicted functional associations. Line thickness indicates strength of the association (edge confidence - low (0.150); medium (0.4); high (0.7); highest (0.9) [61].. Fig. S2. Network analysis predicting protein-protein interaction performed with for ER genes that are downregulated in SD. Fig. S3. Network analysis predicting protein-protein interaction for Mito genes that are upregulated in SD. Fig. S4. Network analysis predicting protein-protein interaction for mito genes that are downregulated in SD.


Wellcome Trust Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
