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Additional file 1 of Pharmacologically induced weight loss is associated with distinct gut microbiome changes in obese rats

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-04-08, 08:05 authored by Silvia Raineri, Julia A. Sherriff, Kevin S. J. Thompson, Huw Jones, Paul T. Pfluger, Nicholas E. Ilott, Jane Mellor
Additional file 1: Additional Figure 1. Long-term treatment of adult rats maintained on a high fat diet with different dosages of FK506 induces weight loss and promotes maintenance of a healthier weight. Additional Figure 2. Tukey’s post-hoc test following ANOVA statistical test on timepoint reveals early but temporary anorexigenic effects of sibutramine, and significant changes due to fasting on Day 36. Additional Figure 3. Pancreatic Insulin levels at Day 42. Additional Figure 4. Combination treatment of bupropion and naltrexone impacts on the host gut microbiome. Additional Figure 5. Differentially abundant genes and species upon bupropion and naltrexone combination treatment. Additional Table 2. Current pharmacotherapies for obesity. Additional Table 2. Tukey’s post-hoc test significant comparisons following ANOVA on pancreatic insulin levels at Day 42. Additional Table 3. Percentage of unassigned reads per sample for representative genes fliC, flgE and motA.


H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ChronosTherapeuticsLtd. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
