The Royal Society
rsos191655_si_001.pdf (3.05 MB)

Details of co-registration of LDDMM, active contraction model, parameter sensitivity study and summary of literature-based fibre rotation angle from Effect of myofibre architecture on ventricular pump function by using a neonatal porcine heart model: from DT-MRI to rule-based methods

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-04-01, 03:47 authored by Debao Guan, Jiang Yao, Xiaoyu Luo, Hao Gao
S.1 A brief explanation of the co-registration of two geometries using LDDMM is presented; S.2 A full description of the active contraction model with parameter values listed in the end. S.3 Parameter sensitivity and inference study of myocardial property; S.4 Myofibre rotation angles from literature
