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Additional file 3 of An eQTL in the cystathionine beta synthase gene is linked to osteoporosis in laying hens

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-25, 05:04 authored by Dirk-Jan Koning, Nazaret Dominguez-Gasca, Robert Fleming, Andrew Gill, Dominic Kurian, Andrew Law, Heather McCormack, David Morrice, Estefania Sanchez-Rodriguez, Alejandro Rodriguez-Navarro, Rudolf Preisinger, Matthias Schmutz, Veronica Šmídová, Frances Turner, Peter Wilson, Rongyan Zhou, Ian Dunn
Additional file 3. Full details on the methods used in the paper relating to RNAseq, liquid chromatography and mass spectrophotometry and measurement of physicochemical characteristics of bone [25–27, 37–39, 54, 64–67].


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
