Online ISSN : 1881-4883
Print ISSN : 0369-4305
ISSN-L : 0369-4305
胸部立位 X 線撮影におけるグリッドと散乱 X 線補正処理を併用したシステムの有用性
藤川 慶太尾崎 隆男中川 英雄菊池 圭祐桐木 雅人和田 悠哉三木 遼祐琴浦 規子
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 77 巻 6 号 p. 555-563


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of combining post-processing scatter correction (IG) and an anti-scatter grid (RG) in chest radiography. Method: To determine the combination protocol (Hyb) that was closed to RG 12:1 (RG12), we measured the content rate of scattered radiation for each combination (RG12, IG12, RG3–12+IG3–12). Task-based modulation transfer function (MTF_Task) and SDNR were evaluated using RG12, IG12, and Hyb. Additionally, seven radiologists performed visual evaluation by using chest phantom. Result: The protocol of Hyb was RG8+IG3. In SDNR, Hyb (RG8+IG3) was equal to or higher than RG12, and MTF_Task was equal in all grid systems. Hyb (RG8+IG3) was significantly superior to RG12 in visual evaluation. Conclusion: The combining post-processing scatter correction should be useful for improving inspection throughput and reducing the risk of gridʼs damage.

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