Publication 2021

Paper 02

A Proposed RAMI 4.0 Product Life Cycle Framework using the Manufacturing Chain Management Platform

Authors : Chew Khai Min ; Lee Wah Pheng

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Published in: International Conference on Digital Transformation and Applications (ICDXA) 2021
ICDXA 2021

Date of Conference:
25 - 26 October 2021

ISBN Information:
Electronic ISBN: 978-967-0115-08-5

DOI Information:

Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology

Conference Location:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The RAMI4.0 model consists of three axes; the Layers axis, the Hierarchy axis, and the Life Cycle Value Stream axis. This model unifies the various aspects of I4.0 to allow data generated from manufacturing and business activities to be shared effectively. The Manufacturing Chain Management software aims to provide a platform where all three axes and their associated data are tightly integrated and can be used to provide I4.0 connectivity as well as insights into the manufacturing supply chain. A data framework is proposed whereby the data from these activities can be collected and used to make more insightful decisions about an organisations value chain, value stream, and the life cycle of their product portfolio. The MCM platform is aimed at SMEs, which generally has lesser financial ability to invest into I4.0 technologies. Hence, the MCM platform is designed to be flexible and scalable whilst maintaining compliance with international I4.0 standards.

Keywords: RAMI4.0, product life cycle, value chain analysis, value stream mapping, manufacturing chain management


Chew Khai Min [1] ; Lee Wah Pheng [2]

[1]Faculty of Engineering, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

[2]Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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Plain Text:

K.M.Chew, W.P.Lee, "A Proposed RAMI 4.0 Product Life Cycle Framework using the Manufacturing Chain Management Platform," International Conference on Digital Transformation and Applications (ICDXA) 2021, 2021, pp. 24-35, doi:


author={Chew, Khai Min and Lee, Wah Pheng},
booktitle={International Conference on Digital Transformation and Applications (ICDXA) 2021},
title={A Proposed RAMI 4.0 Product Life Cycle Framework using the Manufacturing Chain Management Platform},